Home Mangalorean News Gulf News St. Joseph’s Konkani Community Celebrates Monti Fest in Abu Dhabi

St. Joseph’s Konkani Community Celebrates Monti Fest in Abu Dhabi

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St. Joseph’s Konkani Community Celebrates Monti Fest in Abu Dhabi

UAE: St. Joseph’s Konkani Community (SJKC), Abu Dhabi, celebrated Monti Fest, the birthday of Mother Mary, on Saturday, September 7th, 2024, at St Therese Church Abu Dhabi under the guidance of Spiritual Director Fr. Mariyan Miranda OFM Cap. Monti Fest is a family fest for all Konkani-speaking community, and it is traditionally celebrated as a harvest festival by the community on the west coast of India. Konkani community in Abu Dhabi, celebrated this feast with grandeur, thanking God for the fruit of the earth, for nature, and for the farmers who toil to give bread to the world.

The celebration began with nine days of novenas. The daily novenas included Rosary, Devotional Hymns, showering of flowers to Infant Mary by our children, and the Holy Eucharistic celebration with rich spiritually reflections nourishing the congregation by Fr. Vijay Machado, Fr. Maxim Cardoza OFM Cap, Fr. Joel Lopes, Fr. Rohan Miranda OFM Cap, Fr. Derick D’Souza OFM Cap, and Fr. Mariyan Miranda OFM Cap.

Students from the Konkani Community who scored 80% and above in the Secondary and Higher Secondary Examinations for the year 2023-2024 were felicitated on 6th September by the parish priest Rev. Fr. Chito Bunda Bartolo OFM Cap. The Altar Servers and the children’s choir members were also honoured, recognizing their enthusiasm and dedication in serving the Novena Masses by giving them gifts.

The blessing of new corn (paddy) which was specially flown all the way from Mangalore and showering of flowers in honor of Infant Mary in a traditional way. The faithful and the children gathered in the designated place near St. Joseph’s School stage where the statue of Infant Mary having a special decoration. Floral tributes were given to Mother Mary by little children with the choir singing the beautiful hymn ‘Moriyek Hogolsiya’. His Excellency Most. Rev Bishop Paolo Martinelli, the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia graced this occasion by joining for the memorable event and gave a short message to the faithful gathered. We were fortunate to have our shepherd in our midst.

A good number of children both little ones and grown-ups showered flowers to Mother Mary. Parishioners of different age groups took part in honoring Infant Mary, which thrilled and triggered nostalgic childhood memories among all.

The festal celebration began with a grand procession followed by Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, faithful, SJKC committee members, and priests. The Statue of Infant Mary and the new blessed corn – ‘Kanshi’ were brought to St. Therese Church in procession by Mr. Lancy D’Souza, Mr. Leo Rodrigues, Mr. John Conrad D’Souza, and Mr. Austin Menezes. The solemn Festive concelebrated Mass was presided over by Fr Naveen D’Souza OFM Cap. The concelebrants were Fr. Mariyan Miranda OFM Cap, Fr. Baptist Rohan Miranda OFM Cap, and Fr. Jovin Sequeira. Fr. Naveen D’Souza OFM Cap with his inspiring reflections during the homily made the celebration festive and memorable. Over 1500 faithful devotees of Mother Mary participated in the Solemn Eucharistic celebration.

After the Mass Fr. Mariyan Miranda OFM Cap the spiritual director of the Konkani Community welcomed all the concelebrated priests and the congregation and the committee members gave the concelebrants flowers, a token of appreciation to them. The Parish Priest Fr. Chito Bartolo OFM Cap thanked the Konkani community for their commitment and praise-worthy dedication for the parish and gave a short message expressing his gratitude to them.

The following parishioners were felicitated by Fr. Naveen Dsouza OFM Cap. Konkani Cultural Organization Abu Dhabi, for championing our time-honored traditions and making it possible to be practiced in Abu Dhabi, Mr. Benedict Quadros, for his timely, exceptional, and immeasurable contribution to the community and parish, Dr. Daphne Norma Crasta, in recognition of her milestone accomplishment in securing a meritorious degree in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Mr. Jeevan Lobo, for his dedication and devotion in providing our community with the beautiful gift of music and Mr. Lancy Dsouza, for his dedication and selfless committed service to the Parish Community.

The main supporters of this great event of Monti Fest were honored by Fr. Chito Buda Bartolo OFM Cap, Fr. Mariyan Miranda OFM Cap, Fr. Baptist Rohan Miranda OFM Cap, Fr. Naveen D’Souza OFM Cap and Fr Jovin Sequeira.

The vote of thanks was rendered by SJKC Coordinator Mr. John Conrad D’Souza whereas SJKC Committee Members Mr. Naveen Menezes and Mr. Deral Menezes compered the program. At the end of the Festive Eucharistic Celebration, the traditional and delicious ‘Novem Jevan’ was served. Blessed corn and sugarcane were distributed to all the faithful. It was indeed an excellent celebration as everyone present enjoyed the precious family day celebration culminating with the family ‘Novem Jevan’. The entire festive meal was enriched by melodious music and enthusiastic singing solos & duets by our spirited parishioners, well organized by the SJKC committee member Mr. Joachim D’Souza.

The whole event was conceptualized and managed by St. Joseph’s Konkani Committee Members, Volunteers, and Ushers who provided their selfless service relentlessly for all the nine days of Novenas and on the Feast Day. Monti Fest is a memorable one for everyone, especially for St. Joseph’s Konkani Community of Abu Dhabi. The community experienced beautiful and devotional Mangalore’s most revered tradition.

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