St Lawrence Church Bondel Celebrates Senior Citizen’s Day

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St Lawrence Church Bondel Celebrates Senior Citizen’s Day

Mangaluru: The Society of St Vincent de Paul at St Lawrence Church Bondel celebrated Senior Citizens’ Day at the Church hall here on April 7.

The celebrations began with confessions’ in the church followed by mass. Fr Antony Serrao was the main celebrant, Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza Parish Priest, Fr Leo Veigas, and Fr Theodore Rosario Pinto concelebrated the mass. The liturgy and choir was led by the SVP Members.

Fr Antony Serrao presided over the Eucharistic celebration and delivered the homily. Fr Serrao focused on the three reflections for contemplation based on the themes of “Peace be with you,” Forgiveness, and Faith: Reflect on the profound peace that Jesus offers to each of us. For in sharing the peace of Christ with others, we become instruments of God’s grace and agents of transformation in the world.

Just as Jesus greeted his disciples with peace, we are called to be instruments of peace in our families, communities, and the world. May we have the courage to echo Thomas’s proclamation, “My Lord and my God,” and may our faith be strengthened as we continue to journey in discipleship with Christ. May these reflections on peace, forgiveness, and faith inspire you to embrace the fullness of God’s love and grace, and to share that love with others.

After the final blessings, the celebrant invoked a special prayer on all the elderly persons and then anointed them individually.

The cultural program began with a prayer by SVP members right after the Mass. Stany Alvares welcomed the guest with Panpod Udak. Neris Dias President SVP welcomed the gathering.

Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Fr Theodore Pinto, FR Leo Veigas, the Vice President and secretary, John D’Silva and Santhosh Misquith, honoured the senior members of the SVP organization for their devoted service to the SVP.

Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza-Parish Priest, Fr Lancy D’Souza-Asst PP, Fr Leo Veigas, Fr Theodore Pinto, John D’Silva-Vice President, Santhosh Misquith-Secretary Parish Pastoral Council, Neris Dias –President, Naveen Correa SVP were present on the dais

Antony Lobo, a 90-year-old man from St Joseph’s ward, is the most elderly of all the senior citizen men and Women Mildred (89) from the Holy Cross Ward, and Florine Monteiro, 89, from the St Thomas ward. The oldest married couple, Antony, and Lucy Lobo, from St Joseph Ward who were married for 58 years, were honoured by SVP members with a flower bouquet and gifts.

Retired Priest Fr Theodore Rosario Pinto, resident Konkani Sahitya Academy Stany Alvares, and Meena Serrao Barboza were felicitated on the occasion.

Spiritual Director Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza in his address said, “St Vincent de Paul, the patron saint of charitable works, exemplified the virtues of compassion and service, particularly towards the marginalized and vulnerable members of society. On this day, we are reminded of his legacy and inspired to follow in his footsteps by extending love and support to our senior citizens. congratulations to all the members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul for your outstanding service and dedication”.

Ronald Lasrado compered the program. Naveen Correa welcomed the gathering. Ronald Lasrado mesmerized the gathering with his melodious voice.

Photography by: Mr Rony
Report: Meena Serrao Barboza

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