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Stinky Pacchanady Dump Yard Drain Water Seeping into Residents Wells Posing Safety Issues

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Stinky Pacchanady Dump Yard Drain Water Seeping into Residents Wells Posing Safety Issues

Mangaluru: Recalling the incident that occurred during the last heavy monsoons, where Mandara area of Pacchanady (MCC Dump Yard) in the city, which was once covered with lush green plants, was fully submerged due to the garbage landslide, and had damaged the nearby farmland and houses. Around 10 acres of area consisting of houses, areca nut trees and coconut trees were completely submerged under heaps of garbage. Sources revealed that the garbage was nearly 20 years old and the residents in the nearby areas had no other option but to live in a pathetic state, unable to bear the stench of the garbage. The garbage had even flown to a distance of up to two kilometres and the havoc continued every time it rained heavily.

The then Deputy commissioner Sasikant Senthil, MLAs Bharath Y Shetty and Umanath Kotian and MP Nalin Kumar Kateel had visited the spot and even though they were shocked to see the havoc caused due to the garbage landslide,and promised to rectify the issue, but until now a proper solution has has not been finalized- and the residents are still in fear what could happen during this monsoon or other nature’s wrath. Close to 5,000 areca trees, 1,000 coconut trees had been submerged under the garbage. Even the drains and wells close by were contaminated completely and sewage water was seen flowing at high speed. The entire Mandara area was emanating foul smell and the residents were seen shedding tears of pain of losing their houses and land and were made to shift to other places forsaking their own houses.

Image of the 2019 Dump Yard Landslide that resulted in heavy damages

Even the MCC health officials were frequently visiting the spot and conducting various tests of water and monitoring health issues. District administration had made arrangements to provide compensation for the residents of Mandara. In the meantime, many activists had taken to task the officials of Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC), including Dr Manjaiah Shetty, the MCC Health Officer, for the inconvenience that was caused to the locals living in the area around the garbage dumping yard at Pacchanady due to the irresponsibility of the MCC. MP Nalin Kumar Kateel put the blame on the then district in-charge minister stating that he failed to notice the problem and the then mayors also had not maintained it properly nor found solution to avoid such ‘man made’ calamity, and even though the MP assured to bring the situation to normalcy and avoid such calamities in future days, the residents at present say that they don’t see any positive changes, and are of the fear they could face yet another landslide.

So, that was the story until couple of days ago. Now that the MCC has undertaken the work to rectify the situation well before the monsoon starts, but as always whenever a work is started by MCC, they don’t don’t do it the right way- and then the work has to be redone again. Now while the workers have started building a retaining wall around the dump yard, preventing the garbage from sliding down into residents yards, houses, agriculture land etc- but without giving a thought, they have released the stagnant garbage water that was stranded around the dump yard- and all this stinky and filthy water has once again started flowing into residents areas, and also seeping into their wells, posing safety issues.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, one of the residents living in that vicinity, Stany Alvares said, “There are about 30-35 families living in this area, who had faced hardship during the last monsoon landslide comprising of garbage. This morning I was informed by few of these residents that the garbage water released by the workers while they are building the retaining wall, has flown into their premises, and also seeping into their wells. It should also be noted, this dirty water also will reach the Maravoor Damn, where drinking water is made use of. I have informed the MCC engineers Madhu and Rajesh, and other officials to look into this situation soon, before more harm and damage is done tom the nearby residents. Media should also play an important role in highlighting this civic issue, and I am thankful to Team Mangalorean for obliging”.

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