‘Stop Drug Abuse, Read More Books’-DCP during ‘CAUSE’ Book Distribution Project

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‘Stop Drug Abuse, Read More Books’-DCP during ‘CAUSE’ Book Distribution Project

‘Stop Drug Abuse/Mobile Abuse/Substance Abuse, Instead spend that Same time in Reading More Books’-tells Hanumantharaya-Deputy Commissioner of Police-Mangaluru City Commissionerate at St Aloysius Pre-University College ‘CAUSE’ {Citizen Alliance to Uphold Service and Exchange} Book Distribution to 82 needy students of St Aloysius PU Evening College- Mangaluru

Mangaluru: “You may never know what results come of your action, But if you do nothing there will be no result. The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems” had said Mahatma Gandhi;- and Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things on this Earth, Only small things with great love.”- and that’s exactly the members of CAUSE- Citizen Alliance to Uphold Service and Exchange (CAUSE) comprising of energetic and dedicated students and Alumni of St Aloysius PU College -Mangaluru did in organizing a unique project of distributing notebooks to 82 needy students of St Aloysius PU Evening College-Mangaluru, on Tuesday 20 June 2018.

The chief guest for the occasion was Deputy Commissioner of Police-Mangaluru City Commissionerate Hanumantharaya, joined by guest of honour-Sashidhar Hegde-Former Mangaluru City Corporation Mayor, and presided over by Fr Melwyn Mendonca Sj-Principal of St Aloysius PUC. The programme began with invoking God;’s blessings through a prayer sung by the students, followed by welcome address by Pradumna Rai-President of SAPUC. Suhan Alva- the co-ordinator and Founder Member of CAUSE briefed about the formation of CAUSE and its activities, which was followed by a brief audio-video presentation on CAUSE. Then came the moment of the day, when 82 SAPU Evening College students were handed over notebooks by the chief guest and other dignitaries on the dais.

Addressing the audience, Chief guest Hanumantharaya said, ” It is nice to note that students of day college have come forward to help their fellow students of evening college. I am overwhelmed to grace such a humanitarian project, which has touched my heart immensely. Tomorrow being International Yoga Day, young students like you should take up for health benefits and good fitness. Also on this occasion, I want to stress on Drug/Substance abuse and mobile abuse which is on the rise in Mangaluru. Since many youth have mobiles, they get into unwanted things like posting hate messages on Facebook, Whatsapp etc, and get into trouble with the law. I urge you, youngsters, to stay away from drugs/alcohol, instead spend more time reading books”.

“Also keep a limit on using your mobile. Spread the message among your friends to stop drub/substance and mobile abuse. Our elders and ancestors lived without mobile phones, so you too can survive without mobiles just like them. Also strictly follow traffic rules- don’t ride the two-wheeler without a helmet, and also no three persons on the bike. Also, have compassion and love towards others, and help those in need. Make a difference in the society through your dedicated and committed service. I wish all the students a bright career and may your dreams come true: added DCP Hanumantharaya.

Sashidhar Hegde speaking said, “You should be all proud to be the students of one of the renowned and prestigious institutions in the City, which has earned a great name in the community since its inception 139 years ago. I urge you, students, to take DCP’s advice very seriously and stop drug and mobile abuse, for your own good. This is indeed a unique project undertaken by CAUSE, which has put smiles on many needy students of evening college, where they work hard during the day and learn at night. You should lead a simple life, and not a lavish lifestyle, which may ruin your life in a long run. Be a role model to others by your qualities and service. Best of luck in all your endeavours”

St Aloysius PUC Principal Fr Melwyn Mendonca Sj addressing the audience said, ” I am proud of CAUSE team for their altruistic attitude. These young students have shown what it means to be a human being in the modern world. It is to reach out to others even when you are busy with your books. The aim of Jesuit education is to form persons into men and women of Competence, Compassion, Conscience, and Commitment. We at St Aloysius PUC abide by the aims and objectives of the institution and instill the good values in students through value education classes, outreach programmes and other co-curricular activities. Cause which was founded four years ago has created a compassionate heart among the students, and they have become conscious about the downtrodden. They have visited many NGOs and ashrams/old-age homes, and the efforts by our students in helping out the society through this little contribution is praiseworthy. Special thanks to Suhan Alva and his other supporting team members for coordinating this great philanthropic initiative”.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Miss Mehek Pinto- Secretary of SAPUC Students’ Council and the programme was compered by Rahul Kamath- CAUSE Committee member. Rekha K Alva, Sylvia Mascarenhas and Denzil Lobo as staff co-ordinators; while Mohammed Shawaz and Eshwar Shetty as event coordinators were responsible for the success of this project. In conclusion, as Mother Theresa once said, ” It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving”, the public had been very generous in contributing to this great cause. Sometimes a small initiative can make big changes in the society, and it really did work with this CAUSE project.

The service we render to others is really the rent we pay for our room on this earth. It is obvious that man is himself a traveler; that the purpose of this world is not “to have and to hold” but “to give and serve.” Service to the poor is like doing God’s work, and we should all appreciate and commend the energetic youth of St Aloysius PU College CAUSE for their tremendous service and love towards the less privileged. The joy of being able to bless and give someone you love and care, and to make them smile, is priceless. The satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others cannot be overstated. Knowing that you have helped make someone else’s life a little brighter and better is a special feeling, and one that will last with you for a long time. Keep up the good work that you all are entrusted with the motto of helping others, and may God bless you all. Ignore what negative comments people have to spit out. Be bold and face criticisms, and show the world that no negative remarks can stop you, no matter what. Long live St Aloysius PUC, CAUSE and its students!

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