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Students of St Aloysius PUC Raise Funds through ‘Cause 2017 for a good ‘Cause’!

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Students of St Aloysius PUC Raise Funds through ‘Cause 2017 for a good ‘Cause’!

Students and Alumni of St Aloysius Pre University College Raise Funds through ‘Cause 2017 for a ‘Good Cause’

Mangaluru: “You may never know what results come of your action, But if you do nothing there will be no result. The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems” had said Mahatma Gandhi;- and Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things on this Earth, Only small things with great love.”- and that’s exactly the members of CAUSE- Citizen Alliance to Uphold Service and Exchange (CAUSE) comprising of energetic and dedicated students and Alumni of St Aloysius PU College -Mangaluru did in organizing a mega event “CAUSE 2017” to raise funds to support couple of NGO’s. Being an ex-Aloysian myself, I feel proud of these young Aloysians who did a great job in raising few lakhs through stall sales and sponsorship.

On account of this event, a mega euphoric cultural event was organized at Forum Fiza Mall from 4:30 pm onwards on 3 September 2017. Prior to this they also had a promotional event on 2 Sept at City centre mall, where the students raised funds by selling homemade soaps, saplings, wall hangings, handmade bookmarks, chocolates etc. to be donated to NGOs and Ashrams. Popular band ‘Sounds Fishy’ had performed on the day one at City Centre Mall. The guests for the mega event at Forum Fiza Mall included MLA Mangalore North Moideen Bawa, Congress Youth President Mithun Rai, Mohammed Shoieb from Forum Mall Management, SAC Vice Principal John D’silva and celebrity attractions included Bengaluru-based telly artiste/dancer/model/social media influencer and ‘Dance India Dance Season 4’ fame Disha Madan; Coastalwood/Sandalwood Actress Sonal Monteiro; among many other VIPs. Team “Nostalgia” along with SAC dancers also gave a scintillating dance performance. Beat Boxing by Swaroop Paul, alumni of SAC enthralled the huge gathering, while the programme was compered by Eshwar Shetty, also a coordinator of Cause 2017. Rector Rev Fr Dionysius Vas Sj addressed the gathering and congratulated the team for their good work.

St Aloysius PUC Principal Fr Melwyn Mendonca welcoming the gathering said, ” Our Country is free from the colonizers but not free from hunger and poverty. CAUSE team of St Aloysius PU College through this charity event will help in alleviating and freeing some children and elderly from hunger and poverty. The money raised will be donated to such NGOs who are involved in taking care of the less privileged. I am proud of CAUSE team for their altruistic attitude. These young students and Alumni of St Aloysius PUC have shown what it means to be a human being in modern world. It is to reach out to others even when you are busy with your books. Job well done, students”. Other dignitaries also spoke and complimented the efforts, dedication and commitment put in by the youth in caring for the needy.

As Mother Theresa once said, ” It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving”, the public had been very generous in contributing to this great cause. Sometimes a small initiative can make big changes in the society, and it really did work with this CAUSE event. The contribution made by generous donors will go towards helping children and the aged live better lives, thereby bringing the change in the society and also make a difference in the community. The contribution made by the public from the past two years has brought smiles in thousands of faces, a light in many lives, and even this year, with the sheer success of “CAUSE 2017″ the contribution made by public will go towards orphans, old aged, needy children and the economically poor to live better lives and educational purposes of the deserving.”

“The aim of Jesuit education is to form persons into men and women of Competence, Compassion, Conscience, and Commitment. We at St Aloysius PUC abide by the aims and objectives of the institution and instill the good values in students through value education classes, outreach programmes and other co-curricular activities. Cause which was founded three years ago, has created a compassionate heart among the students, and they have become conscious about the downtrodden. They have visited many NGOs and ashrams/old-age homes, and the efforts by our students in helping out the society through this little contribution is praiseworthy. Special thanks to Suhan Alva for coordinating this great philanthropic initiative” added Fr Mendonca.

It is indeed a good thing to note that quite a few people had come forward to help these young organizers striving for a good cause of the needy and less fortunate by Making a real difference, and also joining the “Cause” thereby putting a smile on someone’s face with their support. According to Mathew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, ….”, we should know that giving is something done voluntarily. Giving should not be done under compulsion, coercion, duress, or conviction. When you do give, you are to give what you have chosen in your heart. Those who take pity on those less fortunate than us are true neighbors and care givers. And these young members of CAUSE with the kind contribution and support from donors, friends and well-wishers have been very loving and caring towards the needy for the last couple of years, and they area doing one heckuva job.

In conclusion, all I have to say is that the service we render to others is really the rent we pay for our room on this earth. It is obvious that man is himself a traveler; that the purpose of this world is not “to have and to hold” but “to give and serve.” Service to the poor is like doing God’s work, and we should all appreciate and commend the energetic youth of St Aloysius PU College CAUSE for their tremendous service and love towards the less privileged. The joy of being able to bless and give someone you love and care, and to make them smile, is priceless. The satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others cannot be overstated. Knowing that you have helped make someone else’s life a little brighter and better is a special feeling, and one that will last with you for a long time.

And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy. So if you are looking for a way to enhance your act of sharing and giving experience, try giving back now. Let’s give to the less fortunate, ashrams, non-profit organizations, needy families and children, and others a feeling of hope, and make a difference in their lives. And one place you can donate some of your wealth is towards the future event organized by members of CAUSE. If at all there have been negative reports highlighted by couple of media firms, don’t lose hope- you are all doing great job- you don’y have to budge to these hate-mongers. Remember, no one compliments you when you do good, they only criticize because they are jealous and ignorant. Kudos to Suhan Alva, the bubbling and young man and his bevy of youth for putting up a great event aimed at to help the needy. Finally, as a Ex-Aloysian to the present PUC Aloysians and Alumni of CAUSE I say, “Keep up the good work that you all are entrusted with the motto of helping others, and may God bless you all. Ignore what negative comments people have to spit out. Be bold and face criticisms, and show the world that no negative remarks can stop you, no matter what. Long live St Aloysius PUC and its students!

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Max and Jessie Rasquinha
7 years ago

Excellent performance by the St. Aloysius College students in aid of many noble causes that will attract the public to encourage the students more in similar performances elsewhere. There are so many good causes ahead of us that our young men and women can easily get involved and collect public funds for so many noble causes.

We are proud of our students in Mangalore, and we wish them continued success in all their future dedications to the Social and Educational life. Students have great contribution to make for the future of India.

Thank you, Alfie, for your excellent coverage.

7 years ago

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.St Mother Teresa. St Aloysius is undoubtedly one of the best educational institutions in Mangalore, which imparts value based education to the students who enters the portals of the college. It believes wholeheardly in enlightighting the youth and envisions them as crucial to the overall development of India. The CAUSE team of St Aloysius Pu College joins hand to uphold the shared values of the institution- competence commitment,compassion , conscience,social responsibility and love of fellow human beings that would help us to create a… Read more »

7 years ago

Sometimes a small initiative can make big changes in the society and it really did work with this cause event This helps the children and aged to live better lives.This created a compassionate heart among the students and they have become conscious about downtrodden.

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