Successful Presentation of ‘Limbe Ani Mirsang’ Konkani Play

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Successful Presentation of ‘Limbe Ani Mirsang’ Konkani Play

Mumbai: KONKAN TARAM (Konkani Association of St. Jude Jerimeri Mumbai) presented LIMBE ANI MIRSANG, a hilarious Konkani Comedy was written and directed by John R Mascarenhas on 8th January 2017 at St Jude Church Ground, filled with more than 2000 people audience.

As a gesture of Finale programme of Silver Jubilee of association, the function began with the lighting of the lamp by ‘Rt Rev Perceival Fernandes’, followed by Fr. Lancy Pinto (Parish Priest and Director of Association), Albert W D’Souza, Gabriel Mendonca, John Oswald Cordeiro, John R. Mascarenhas (‘Writer and Director of Play – Limbe ani Mirsang’), Francis Fernandes Cascia (Dramatist), Henry D’Silva Suratkal, Walter D’Souza etc. Moreover, special mention and honour was given to Thomas Sequeira – Abu Dhabi, Gilbert Baptist, Ambrose Fernandes – Beltangady, Social Worker and others.

Since the crowd was excited to watch the new comedy play “LIMBE ANI MIRSANG” immediately the play started with prayer dance by Children‘ – Phrasal Fernandes and Alita Pereira. Limbe Ani Mirsang written, directed, staged, sung and acted by John R Mascarenhas was very well presented, with team members like Gracy Tauro, Severine D’Souza, Melony Cordeiro, Eliza Menezes, Juliana Mascarenhas, Leo D’Souza, Fredrick Cardoza, Victor Pereira, Michael Sequeira, John Rodrigues, Joseph D’Souza, Elias Pinto, Anita Fernandes, Philomena Sequeira, Sheryl, Joyson and Baby Melita.

Noteworthy dances were presented by konkan taram members like Prescilla Rodrigues, Maria D’Costa, Synthia, Mershin, Mamatha, Teresa, Alita and Jovila. Also teenagers like Valencia, Liander, Michelle and Shivangi. Clement Lobo Chakala and Flora D’Souza anchored the programme. Nevertheless, mind blowing and melodious singing by Nephie Rod, Anthony Tauro, Franky D’Souza, Sunita D’Souza, Muriel, John, Juliana and others.

People were so flabbergasted to watch the dance of ‘Joyson and Sheryl Tauro in the play’ for song HANV CHOLI, sung by John and Nephie, with music arrangements by Benjamin Miranda, being superb and highly professional.

Konkan Taram being an association of Social, liturgical and cultural activities, Flora D’Souza invited the public to login: for selfless service to become the member and donate directly to the less fortunate and ailing people.

The Writer, Director and Actor John R. Mascarenhas made a special mention of those who are responsible for putting up this programme and worked hard behind the scenes… like Fr Lancy Pinto, John Rodrigues, Fredrick, Leo D’Souza, Joseph, Victor, John Veigas, Walter D’Souza, Prescilla, Eliza, Jacintha, Ida, Joyston, Kevin, Elias, Gregory, Franky D’Souza and Konkan Taram members.

Report by: Prescilla Rodrigues (PPC–Secretary: St. Jude)

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8 years ago



8 years ago

Thanks to the editor for publishing the appropriate details with nice photos and coverage, really enjoyed the comedy play “LIMBE ANI MIRSANG” by John R Mascarenhas and it was very well organized and good crowd.