Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan Completes 239 Cleanliness Drives

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Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan Completes 239 Cleanliness Drives

Mangaluru: Twenty-first week of 10 cleanliness drives of the 400 Abhiyans being organized by Ramakrishna Mission, Mangaluru took off on Sunday, the 26th February at 10 different locations in the district.

230 Yekkur – The team members of Swacch Yekkur carried out cleanliness drive in Yekkur area. Swami JItakamanandaji and Bharath Shetty jointly flagged off the drive. The drive was carried out around Chamundeshwari Katte. Boards carrying the message of awareness about cleanliness have been written. Members of Hindu Yuva Sene, Ayyappa Bhajana Mandir and Nandadeepa Bhajana Mandir participated in the drive. Jayalatha, Monisha with more than 100 volunteers took part in the drive.

231 Attavar – The devotees of Sri Chakrapani Temple took up the cleanliness work from Chakrapani temple to Attavar Katte. Jayakumar and Devadas Kottari flagged off the drive. Members of Sri Patanjali Yoga Shikshana Samiti, N V Friends and students of Sarojini Madhusudan Kushe school participated in the drive. M S Kotian, Prathim Kumar, Anil Nayak and several others participated in the drive.

232 Valacchil – The students of Srinivas Engineering College and local residents of Valacchil cleaned the highway and adjoining areas in that region. Chief Coordinator of Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan, Dilraj Alva and Prof. Harshavradhan Hegde flagged off the drive. Two bus shelters at the Valacchil junction were cleaned along with the auto shelter. Road dividers were also cleaned. Abhishek, Sachin and many other students took active part in the drive.

233 Bolar – The Members of Amba Maheshwari Bhajana Mandir carried out the drive in Bolar – Mulihithlu area. Lokayya Shetty and Ajay Alva flagged off the drive. The drains adjoining the roads were cleaned and the heavy log of wood lying on the footpath for many days was removed. Members also visited door to door and distributed awareness literature in the area. The direction board that was worn out was repainted. Umanath Kotekar guided the volunteers.

234 Malemar – Drive was carried out in Bharati Green Park road in Malemar. Vijay Kumar Shetty and Rathnakar B flagged off the drive. The drains in the area were cleared. Worn out banners and flexes were removed. Vinyas, Hariprasad and several others participated in the drive.

235 KPT – Students of KPT carried out the drive in front of KPT and adjoining areas of the Highway. Lecturer Suraj P H initiated the drive. NS students of KPT cleaned the areas adjoining the highway, circle and the footpaths on the airport road. Ankush and Ganesh coordinated the volunteers.

236 Ganeshpura – Local members of JCI under the guidance of Dr Sampath Kumar took up the drive in Ganeshpura area. Chiranjeevilu and Raghuram Tantri flagged off the drive. The precincts of the post office and main roads were cleaned. Members of Kesari Friends, Navodaya Youth forum, Asare and Chintana teams actively participated in the drive. Sreesha Karmaran, Dahrmendra, Harish Naik and Many others took an active part in the drive.

237 Shivabagh – The members of Team Swacch Shivabagh carried out the drive in Shivabagh area. Dr Malini Hebbar Vinutha flagged off the drive. Sheela Jayaprakash and Kala Deepak coordinated the drive.

238 Car Street – The devotees of Sri Gokarna Math carried out the drive from Ashwatha Katte of Car street to the Flower Market. S P Acharya and Damodar Bhat flagged off the drive. They also removed the posters stuck on the walls. Kamalaksha Pai coordinated the drive.

239 Capitanio – The team members of Swacch Garodi carried out the cleanliness work around Capitanio Government school. Harish Achar and Ritesh Nagori flagged off the drive. The campus of the school and surrounding area were cleaned. Prakash Garodi and Sandeep Garodi coordinated the drive.

Contact Swami Ekagamyanandaji, Co-convener for more details at 9448353162

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Truth Seeker
8 years ago

Once again, a total absence of minority communities/leaders in this campaign!! I guess they are busy lecturing Hindus on importance of ‘tolerance’, bandh and other important things.