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Taj Hotel and Govt Women ITI Pledge to ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ on World Environment Day

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Taj Hotel and Govt Women ITI Pledge to ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ on World Environment Day

Hotel Taj Gateway-Mangaluru and Government ITI for Women-Mangaluru Pledge to ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’- the Theme of World Environment Day 2018

Mangaluru : June 5 Every Year, Everywhere, and mostly Everyone celebrates “World Environment Day”. This year United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) made the biggest global call and mobilization for action on “World Environment Day (WED), with the theme for 2018 as “Beat plastic Pollution”. Hotel Taj Gateway-Mangaluru and Government ITI for Women-Kadri Hills, Mangaluru celebrated “World Environment Day” (WED) on 7th June 2018, at ITI premises. On this day, an awareness programme on the importance of not littering plastic bottles and other plastic materials, and also to use plastic only when it is necessary. Prior to the formal function four saplings of fruit varieties were planted in the Institution premises by the dignitaries, namely Deepak SN- Human Resources Manager, Ms Rekha- HR Officer, Ravi Kumar- Chief Engineer-all three of Hotel Taj Gateway; A Balakrishna -Principal of ITI; and Krishnappa P- environmentalist, along with a bevy of students.

The programme began audio video presentation on keeping the environment clean and green, and also how to beat the plastic pollution. The welcome address and introduction of the guests was done by Compere Lokesh, Junior Training Officer of ITI. Stressing on this year World Environment day theme of “Beat Plastic Pollution”, Ravi Kumar said, ” The manufacture of plastic, as well as its destruction by incineration, pollutes air, land and water and exposes workers to toxic chemicals, including carcinogens. Synthetic plastic does not biodegrade. It just sits and accumulates in landfills or pollutes the environment. Burning of plastic in the open air, leads to environmental pollution due to the release of poisonous chemicals. The polluted air when inhaled by humans and animals affect their health and can cause respiratory problems.”

He further said, “Plastic pollution has become an epidemic. Every year, we throw away enough plastic to circle the Earth four times. Much of that waste doesn’t make it into a landfill, but instead ends up in our oceans, where it’s responsible for killing of marine mammals. For the good of the planet, it’s time to rethink how we use plastic and learn how you can beat plastic pollution. We all know it’s hard to live without the use of things made of plastic, but we can still control it to a limit. Instead of buying bottled water, we can carry water in other containers, which is reusable. And even if we use plastic things, we should make sure they are recycled or littered in a safe place, so that the environment is not polluted”.

Addressing the students, Principal of ITI, Balakrishna said, ” It’s nice to note that once again our institute partner Taj Hotel Group has joined us in this WED programme. In the past we have conducted projects like beautifying park, cleanliness drive-Swachh Bharath, and many other projects. I like to bring to your notice that you students are not keeping cleanliness in the campus-I see used chewing gum, chocolate and snacks wrappers, drink bottles etc littered every where in the campus. Sometimes I myself pick the garbage that I see around here, and dump it in the dumpster. Effective today, you need to take a oath that you will not throw garbage in the campus. If you make up your mind you can do it and keep our campus clean. Let’s make our PM Modi’s dream of “Swachh Bharath” a reality with our active participation, and keep our environment clean and green. And regarding use of plastic, let’s beat plastic pollution”.

It was indeed a kind gesture of Krishnappa P- a local environmentalist, who for the last four years has taken part in WED programme at ITI, and this year too had come to the programme with bunch of save the environment signs. Krishnappa also recited some slogans about awareness on Environment, which was repeated by the audience present. Also speaking to Team Mangalorean, Peter Nirmal, General Manager of Hotel Taj Gateway said, “Community development is the philosophy of the Taj Group. The group is deeply committed to serving the Community, and also taking part in awareness programmes pertaining to the betterment of environment. We recognize that the community is not just another stakeholder in our businesses, but serving the Community is central to the core values we adhere to in the Taj Group”.

“We believe that being a good corporate citizen significantly enriches our corporate purpose. We, therefore, strive to constantly build our professional and organizational capabilities to strengthen our outreach to the people, particularly the underprivileged. I am happy to inform that the environmental practices of the hotel had been recognized by Earth Check couple of years ago, which is one of the world’s leading sustainable travel and tourism certification organizations. And since we have been actively participating in various programmes related to the environment. The prestigious EarthCheck certification was given in recognition of long-term commitment to the environment and to the society at large” added Peter Nirmal.

Prior to today’s programme, on 5 June a painting competition on the WED topic, was held for the children of Chinnara Tangudhama, a transit home for destitute children, and everyone received participation prizes. In conclusion, it is nice to note that World Environment Day (WED) which is United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment is supported by organizations like Hotel Taj Gateway and Govt. ITI for Women. By observing WED, it will like a ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet. And while this year WED theme is “Beat Plastic Pollution” let us be responsible citizens in using plastic things to limit, and also not pollute the environment by disposing them everywhere. Every Action Counts- WED is the opportunity for everyone to realize the responsibility to care for the Earth and to become agents of change. Let’s do it for the betterment of environment.

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