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Teachers Just Want To Have Fun during Mount Carmel T-Day Celebration

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Teachers Just Want To Have Fun during Mount Carmel T-Day Celebration

  • Teachers Just Want To Have Fun during Mount Carmel Teachers Day Celebration, which was hosted with love to their dear teachers by the Class X and Class XII {Graders} students of Mount Carmel Central School, Mary Hill, Mangaluru on Wednesday, 5 September.

Mangaluru: If you happen to listen to Cyndy Lauper’s song “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”, then surely we could make yet another revised version of that song and turn it into “Teachers Just Want to Have Fun”, and for that matter, the energetic and fun-loving teachers do fit in that category, who are not only dedicated and committed teachers, but also like to party hard, when occasion strikes- and Teachers Day celebration was no exception, where the nearly 90 teachers, along with the non-teaching staff simply rocked!

“You took time to listen and to hear, to laugh, to just be there! ” – Teachers are more than automaton instructors, pounding away on the chalkboard all day. They are mentors and inspirations, and Teacher’s Day is all about appreciating your teachers – it’s a day when students remember to go up to their teachers and tell them how much they appreciate them. And that’s exactly what the hundreds of students belonging to Mount Carmel Central School- Mary Hill here did by expressing their love and gratitude to their “Teachers” by organizing a “Teacher’s Day” bash filled with tributes, prayers, songs, dance and skit.

Teachers have always been the guiding force for the students, who have inspired them to move ahead and achieve much in life. “Teachers Day” is the right time for the students to express their feelings of thankfulness and gratitude towards the teachers. It is a time when students show their affection for them. A teacher is someone who inspires you, encourages you and makes you capable enough to face all the odds of life. This is why a special day, known as “Teachers Day”, is dedicated to teachers, providing students with the perfect chance to honour them. A true teacher is not someone who just teaches academic lessons to his/her students. Rather, he/she is like a guide, who helps the students in each and every sphere of life, by giving the right advice. They are future makers.

None of the achievers in this world has attained a feat without the guidance of a teacher. ‘Teachers Day’ is a special occasion for students to honour their teachers and thanking them for being the guiding light in their lives. Teachers play a significant role in our lives. Right from kindergarten to college, they teach us and enlighten us on all aspects of learning. They guide and inspire us to have a sense of purpose in life and goad us to pursue the right career path. They mould us to become better human beings and social citizens of the world. It is impossible to measure the immense contribution that teachers have made in our lives. In one of the skit, school students dressed up like their teachers and taught their juniors, the same way as their teachers do.

The thoughtful and respectful “Teachers Day” celebrations reflected the fact that the students cared for their beloved teachers- and in response, the teachers appreciated what the students did for them on this “Day”. The ceremonial occasion was celebrated with various performances by the students, like dance, skit, mimicry of teachers, games, thanksgiving, music and so on. And the teachers also actively participated in the proceedings of the event. The cultural programme put up by the students was followed by a get-together of teachers organized by Parents Teachers Association, where they had some interactions, games, sumptuous lunch ending with a dance/baila session.

The celebrations began with a prayer song, followed by the two girl comperes namely Larrel Coutinho of Class X and Amanda Stacy Frank of Class XII expressing their thoughts and feelings about their Teachers- they said, ” Teachers are a significant part of everyone’s life. They show us the right path and groom us to become a better citizen and a better person. They teach us to face the most difficult challenges of life and get through them, easily. Teacher’s Day is a wonderful opportunity for the students to extend their sincere gratitude to their teachers, for being an influential part of their life. The teachers act as the guide for life, show the path towards success and enrich the personality of their disciples by imparting ethical and academic knowledge. On this “day” we say a big thank you and appreciate everything that the teachers have done to us. May God bless our teachers-our mentors”.

In response, appreciating the efforts put by the students in organizing the event, Sr Melissa AC- the Principal said, “A teacher is someone who is the mentor of your life. Right from the nursery teacher who taught you to identify the alphabets to the one who was your guide at the Math or computer project, a teacher has been the guiding force of your life. He/She is the one who made you the expert on the subject you are and also, been the motivational factor behind your success. Teachers are one of the greatest people whom you can across in your life. They are not only the selfless givers but also the mentors of your life. At every step of your life, you come cross teachers who devote their entire life to the enlightenment of students like you. Respect and obey your teachers, and you will be all good students coming out in flying colours in your academics.”

The entire event was organized by MCCS 10 and12th standard students-games for the teachers were also conducted. The welcome address was delivered by Miss Shreya, and Head Boy Mahindra proposed the vote of thanks. Various games were conducted and Prizes were given to teachers who had won in these games. Sr Melissa AC-Principal of MCCS; Sr Carissima AC-Administrator, Sr Lidwin Pinto AC-Vice Principal, Sr Marie Lucy AC-Coordinator, Sr Maria Jyothi AC-Joint Secretary, Sr Preena AC and Sr Reshma AC, both teachers were among the hundreds of students and 86 teachers of MCCS who took part in the celebrations. A classroom life was enacted by the students. Who said Teachers can’t dance? Yes, the formal function ended with teachers who joined in the “Bollywood and Baila Dance” along with their students. Kudos to Head Girl and Head Boy and the Cabinet leaders for putting up a great show for their beloved teachers.

To Teachers with Love from Students Parents:

For the second time in a row, that a get-together to mark Teachers day celebrations was organized by the members of Parent Teachers Association of MCCS- and amateur Compere Kishan Bangera, who compered the programme for the First time, stole the show with his witty punchlines and kept the audience lively, by unleashing his hidden talent? Ryan Lobo- Vice President of PTA Association along with the bevy of members of the Association did put up a great show, and entertained the teachers in appreciation and gratitude for taking care and teaching their children. Gloria Veigas conducted various games for the teachers and Supporting Staff.

For the first time in the history of MCCS during Teachers Day celebration, that PTA members came up with an idea to felicitate the Supporting Staff at MCCS by giving them a Mementos, as memory keepsake for the wonderful and dedicated service they provide to the institution, and also for their hand in hand support to the management, staff, teachers and students. Very thoughtful on the part of PTA to think of these human beings! Prizes were distributed to the teachers who won in various games, and the celebration ended with sumptuous lunch arranged by the PTA members. Bon Appetit! The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Nisha Albuquerque. And, of course, as always the party never ends with a baila, joined by the teachers and the members of the Religious Order!

About Teacher’s Day

In India, 5th September is celebrated as Teachers Day as a mark of tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society. 5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education and was a well-known diplomat, scholar, the President of India and above all, a teacher. When some of his students and friends approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday, he said, “instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege, if 5th September is observed as Teachers day”. From then onwards, the 5th of September has been observed as Teachers Day, in India.

In the year 1965, some of the prominent students of Late Dr S. Radhakrishnan organised a gathering to pay obeisance to that Great Teacher of repute. In that gathering, in his speech, Dr Radhakrishnan expressed his deep reservation regarding his birth anniversary celebration and emphasized that his birth anniversary should be celebrated as ‘Teachers Day’, by paying homage to other Great Teachers of India and Bangladesh. Since the year 1967, 5th September is celebrated as Teacher’s Day till date. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was one of his closest friends throughout, had many great things to say about Dr Radhakrishnan: “He has served his country in many capacities. But above all, he is a great teacher from whom all of us have learnt much and will continue to learn. It is India’s peculiar privilege to have a great philosopher, a great educationist and a great humanist as her President. That in itself shows the kind of men we honour and respect.”

Team Mangalorean wishes all teachers a “Happy Teachers Day” and may God bless you all! Ending this column with the lyrics from the song “In this moment” a tribute song to Teachers by Billy Barker: Watch YouTube below:

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