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The Grand Finale of Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations held at Kelaguru Tea Estate

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The Grand Finale of Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations held at Kelaguru Tea Estate

Chikkamagaluru: Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration was a joyous event marked by the esteemed arrival of His Excellency Most Rev Bishop Dr T. Anthony Swamy at 9:45 am.

Mr Sanjay Mathias and family Membes warmly welcomed the Bishop with a garland and bouquet. The celebration saw the participation of 11 priests from Balehonnur Deanary including those who had served as parish priests accompanied by around 500 devotees. Together, they formed a procession which proceeded towards the St. Saturnine Chapel for the Eucharistic celebrations. The Bishop Most Dr T Anthony Swamy presided over the Eucharistic celebration joined by 11 other priests from the Balehonnur Deanary, including those who had previously served at the Kelaguru Chapel.

During his Homily Bishop T. Anthony Swamy emphasized the spiritual significance of the Jerusalem temple and St. Saturnine’s contributions further enriched the celebration, highlighting the chapel’s rich history and devotion. He was urging the congregation to maintain the sanctity of the Church. He highlighted the glorious history of the temple and encouraged living harmonious lives centred on Christ and his teachings. The Homily also shed light on St. Saturnine’s vital role in the Catholic Church, emphasizing his profound contribution. Bishop Anthony Swamy urged the gathering to establish a meaningful rapport with St. Saturnine and strive to lead exemplary lives in accordance with Catholic teachings. The celebration was a testament to the rich history and spiritual devotion of Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel.

The involvement of the choir team, led by Mr Lancy Carlo, Mrs Reena Carlo, and Mr Roshan Cardoza and Team, added a melodious touch to the Holy Eucharist celebrations. Mr Valerian Pereira, the Assistant Superintendent, as the Master of the ceremony, highlighted the significance of the celebration after the Eucharist.

Welcoming the gathering, Mr Sanjay Mathias, CEO of Kelaguru Tea Estate, set the tone for the event. Indeed, the Welcome dance by the children of Sacred Heart School, Hirebile not only added a delightful and joyous element to the celebrations but also brought smiles on the faces of those who had assembled. That lively performance contributed significantly to creating a festive atmosphere, enhancing the overall experience and fostering a sense of joy and brotherhood among the participants.

The distinguished guests, encompassing family members of the Mathias family, local Panchayat members and esteemed clergy such as Rev. Fr Lancy Pinto, Rev Fr Joseph Madtha, Rev. Fr Prem, Rev. Fr Anand and Rev. Sr Helen Sequeira, UFS bestowed a profound sense of grandeur upon the event. Their presence not only symbolized unity among the community but also elevated the occasion’s spiritual significance. The blending of familial ties, local governance representation, and the esteemed clergy created a harmonious tapestry, adding layers of cultural and spiritual richness to the celebrations. Their collective involvement resonated deeply, infusing the event with a heightened sense of importance and contributing significantly to the overall grandeur of the celebrations.

The Superintendent of the Estate Mr Saturnine D’Souza’s comprehensive Report chronicling the history of Kelaguru Tea Estate and the spiritual journey spanning 75 long years, intricately weaving a narrative that added profound depth to the celebrations. Besides detailing historical milestones, the account encapsulated the spiritual evolution of the community. Delving into the roots of Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel, the report symbolises a rich heritage, bridging the past and the present. It served as a poignant reminder of the collective journey, highlighting the chapel’s role as a spiritual anchor. D’Souza’s meticulous narration was not merely read but was handed over to Bishop T. Anthony Swamy. That enriched the jubilant celebrations coupled with historical and spiritual resonance.

Peter Mathias and his family took centre stage, orchestrating a heartfelt felicitation to Bishop Dr T. Anthony Swamy, the revered priests, the esteemed Rev Sisters and other dignitaries. Their gesture, laden with warmth and respect, symbolized a collective acknowledgement of the spiritual leadership present. Adding sparkle to the celebrations, the 50th birthdays of distinguished figures, Rev. Fr David Prakash and Mr Sanjay Mathias, CEO of Kelaguru Tea Estate, were commemorated. These influential men, catalysts in reshaping the geographical, financial, and spiritual landscape of Kelaguru, were honoured with a birthday cake, a symbol of gratitude for their transformative impact.

Mrs Peter Mathias and Mrs Paul Mathias extended warm appreciation by presenting memorable mementoes to retired employees of the Estate which recognized their dedicated contributions during their years of service.

This harmonious blend of recognition and celebrations beautifully enriched the jubilant atmosphere, embodying a sense of communal gratitude and shared milestones. In a heartfelt acknowledgement of dedication, previous sacristans were also honoured at St. Saturnine Chapel, underscoring their significant service. To further enrich the gathering’s understanding of the Kelaguru estate’s origins, Mr Peter Mathias eloquently delved into the legacy and contribution of Bahadur’s dream, emphasizing the chapel’s spiritual prominence. Mr Paul Mathias, expressing joy in serving the community, highlighted the seamless passage of legacy from one generation to another. He underscored the missionaries’ contributions which shaped the growth of the people in diverse aspects of life.

As the jubilant celebrations unfolded, all participants were treated to refreshing interludes between programmes, followed by a sumptuous meal that catered to the taste buds of those attending the Platinum Jubilee. With four efficiently managed counters ensuring a smooth flow of service, the atmosphere resonated with communal spirit. A special counter was thoughtfully arranged for the priests and religious who had travelled from distant places which offered them a convenient space to partake in their meals. This thoughtful arrangement added a touch of hospitality, fostering a sense of unity and gratitude among all those who came together to commemorate the rich history and spiritual significance of Kelaguru St. Saturnine Chapel.

By Bro Vinod Kumar MSC

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