The memories in me hurt

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The memories in me hurt

In deficiency of your love
I found myself struggling for many months
But after a while I wish to embrace you once.

On my innocence you applied a bitter blame
Before I could answer your questions you let me go
And unexpected words you said in the end.
I can’t forget.

That memory in me still hurts and I can’t forget.
The memories in me hurt.

With Inefficiency I can only slay myself
When it comes to emotions what I feel inside.
To avoid you I think worse with a scream in my head.

The best way to forget you, I think of certain method.
And I wish to bleed for you all my life without distracting you.
but you only wish for my death, what you said in the end.
I can’t forget.

That memory in me still hurts and I can’t forget.
The memories in me hurt.

Mixed up in anxiety and depression,
a paranoid in my mind with aggression.
I close my eyes to fade, but my pain is constant.
I wear a garment of grief, from the pain I want relief.

Smear me with your love to protect me from disgraced death.
A discourage voice in me rumbling to slit my throat for an end.
But I want to survive and I want you back again.
Will I be loved again or I can never be whole again.

– Mohammed Mohsien

Author Note:





Mohammed Mohsien from Mangalore, India. I would like to share my written work with all my friends and family. I appreciate your precious time taken to read and understand it.

find me on instagram: @mmohsien -I have posted most of my poetry and art.

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