The Sweeper

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The sweeper

Breaking the spell of deep slumber,
amidst the twittering of the winged one’s afar,
he rose stroking his eyes.
wiping the monsoon dribble from the split roof atop,
off his face.

A new day of hope
Perhaps an empty wish,
of unfulfilled promises at a distant land.
Alas! the same old broom,
the unvarying monotonous drill.

Pedalling a mile away,
Sallying forth through
Semi-dark streets,
to the gleaming of street lights
along the path.
Breezing his way through a
wheeze of joggers all along the course.

A jerky halt at the gate side,
and a gaze at his comrades waiting by,
the swish of his broom striking a
morning rhythm.
Grabs his trash can,

whirling the broom and shooing
off the clowder of wayward cats,
a team of four, all curled up below,
but set for a leap!

And off he strides into the lift,
towards the lofty stairs,
a buzzer to arouse the dwellers off their
deep drowse,
a momentary wait of endurance,
a weary sigh….
Mutter not folks, his day has just begun….

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