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There’s Lot of Parking Space in City, BUT All Occupied by Street Vendors/Vehicle Repairers?

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There’s Lot of Parking Space in City, BUT All Occupied by Street Vendors/Vehicle Repairers?

Mangaluru: Who said, “Smart City”- Mangaluru doesn’t have space for vehicle parking? You are wrong- because if you go around the city there is ample parking space for a large number of vehicles, but unfortunately, 98% of it has been occupied by illegal street vendors, mobile canteens, vehicle repairers, flower vendors etc. But the worst part is that Mangaluru City Corporation and the Traffic Police department has not taken any action to rectify the issue. Even during the weekly Police Commissioner phone-in programme, many complaints have been made on this issue, and Police Commissioner T R Suresh keeps assuring them that action will be taken, however, it has been just PROMISES from PC’s side? Absolutely NO ACTION at all!

Near Bendore Circle

Street vendors/mobile canteens etc are increasing day by day. Smart City money is spent on widening roads, new footpaths, but once the work is completed the sides of the new roads, and the pavements are encroached by street vendors. Just look at the newly developed Kankanady/Valencia stretch of the road, there a bunch of mobile canteens/street vendors lined that stretch, including private ambulances. Look at all the space taken in front of Kadri Park road by street vendors selling Sugar cane juice, Chaat, etc- and due that vehicles are seen parked on the road. Does it make any sense? Do you think this is “Smart Development “as part of “Smart City Project?” Definitely not!

During the MCC Council meeting held yesterday, 27 November, the former Mayor Jacintha Vijaya Alfred said that pushcart and petty shop vendors have occupied parking place on the recently widened four-lane road between Father Muller Hospital and Nandigudda. Private ambulances are being parked on the same road occupying parking space. Joining the issue, many councillors said that it has become the order of the day on other roads also and the corporation is not serious enough in evicting such vendors. The leader of the Opposition Premananda Shetty from BJP said that pedestrians do not have footpaths to walk on and vehicles owners parking spaces as both in many places have been occupied by petty shops and other vendors.

Near Kankanady Father Muller Hospital

Near Valencia Circle

In response, MCC Commissioner Mohammed Nazir said that though the corporation has been evicting them now and then, they returned to occupy the same slots again after some days. The civic body faced a dearth of staff to evict them again and again. If police booked cases against them, such instances would come down. The police too would have to act and cooperate to end the menace, he said. Well said by the Commissioner, if MCC is short of staff, hire more. There are people waiting for jobs- so why all the fuss? Fine violators, and use that income to pay the wages of the employees. No one has to be an extra Smart Person to rectify this “Smart City” issue.

And the funniest part is that everyone plays a blame game- MCC is saying that police authorities are not doing their job right, while the police department says MCC should straighten up their acts right and plan accordingly. Unfortunately, it is the pedestrians and motorists facing the brunt of this never-ending issue. Any such initiative needs commitment and a well-prepared approach to deal with the large variety of encroachments and misuses that have been allowed to develop. A well-formulated policy is needed to underpin the approach, and commit manpower and resources. The approach has to start with a list of the types of encroachment. Quick-fix solutions are not available for many of these. Staff entrusted with the mission will find it impossible to deal with many of the important types of encroachment without well thought out rules and the support of the bureaucracy, the political establishment and local communities. Otherwise, any effort will deteriorate into a cosmetic effort that leaves the underlying sores untreated.

Vehicle Repairs near Nandigudda Cremetorium

Near Big Bazaar Attavar

Near Forum Fiza Mall

Near Service Bus-stand

If you go around the city you will find a bunch of such auto repair shops, getting vehicles repaired right on the footpath or on the pedestrian walkway. They will have a small shop for name’s sake, but all the repair work is done on MCC property. If MCC is charging other shop owners all kinds of taxes, why not charge these illegal petty shops or vacate them. That would be a good idea! Such encroachment by vehicles on pavements in front of establishments providing repair or installation services to two and four wheelers is causing a nuisance to the public. It is not only that passage is inhibited, but it is also made hazardous by oil patches, nails etc. Most of these auto garages are located very close to the road, and have hardly enough place inside their shops to work on vehicles- so all the repair work is done on the footpaths or streets. Has the MCC noticed this- if they did, nothing much has been done? This is the most blatant example of public space being despoiled for private gain.

There can be no compromise on this type, even though it may be claimed as a desirable service. Pavements are for people only, not for vehicles. Establishments such as the above abound in smaller streets that have no pedestrian pavements or identifiable walkways. These occur in residential localities, and many have been allowed to operate with impunity for years. They create great hazards to pedestrians and need to be removed. But that will not be easy, because the owners are likely to be residents of the locality, and might have acquired ‘muscle’ – social, economic and physical – over time. These will be hard nuts to crack. The rate of vehicle ownership is rising rapidly, so a good percentage of the local residents may be making use of these establishments.

Near Central Vegetable Market

Near Lady Goschen Hospital

Therefore there is an urgent need to develop a policy for designation of areas where services can relocate. Ultimately, no establishment should be allowed to come up that will need to encroach on public space to provide its services, or that will create pressure on space that will be required for easy movement of people and vehicles, and the regular needs of the local residents, particularly parking. M needs to act fast before more petty shops occupy the parking space. How hard is it to get rid of these hawkers. MCC and Police should join hands and rectify this ongoing issue once for all. And please don’t play blame games, rather get the things straight and solve the problems.

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