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‘Think Green & Live Green! ‘Tharakari Sundaranna’ Dr K Sundara Bhat Launches Vanamahotsava at FMCI

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‘Think Green & Live Green! ‘Tharakari Sundaranna’ Dr K Sundara Bhat Launches Vanamahotsava at FMCI

‘Think Green and Live Green! “Tarakari Sundaranna” {As nicknamed by Fr Richard Coelho-Director, Father Muller Charitable Institutions} Dr K Sundara Bhat Launches Vanamahotsava at Father Muller charitable Institutions-Mangaluru {FMCI} on Saturday, 7 July 2017 at Fr Muller Convention Centre-Muller Mini Hall

Mangaluru: “If a tree is saved even at the cost of one’s head, it’s worth it” said Environmental activist Amrita Devi Bishnoi. The name “Vanamahotsava” means “the festival of trees”, which began in July 1947 after a flourishing tree planting drive was undertaken in Delhi, in which national leaders like Dr Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru participated. Since then, thousands of saplings of diverse species are planted with the energetic participation of the locals and various agencies like the forest department. During this event, millions of trees are planted with the energetic participation of the locals and various agencies. It is annual and is to be celebrated during the month of July.

Monsoon is there during July and is a special month for trees and tree planting. The main objective of the festival is to inculcate tree consciousness and love of trees among the people, especially children and youth and popularize the planting and tending of trees in farms, villages, schools, municipal and public lands for their aesthetic, economic and protective needs. And to observe “Vanamahotsava”, the Father Muller Institutions namely- Father Muller Medical College; Father Muller College of Allied and Health Sciences; Father Muller College of Nursing; Father Muller School of Nursing; and Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing held a programme on Saturday, 7 July 2017 at Father Muller Convention Centre-Muller Mini Hall, followed by a massive tree planting Drive in the Institution campus. The theme for this year’s celebration was “THINK GREEN AND LIVE GREEN”.

The programme began with a prayer song by the Nursing Students, following which Dr.Padmaja Udayakumar, Vice Dean extended a cordial welcome to the gathering and highlighted the importance of the day. The Chief Guest for the day, Dr. K. Sundara Bhat, Professor of General Medicine at Father Muller Medical College Hospital spoke on the concept of ‘Plants without Soil’. He mentioned on how nature has changed his way of living. He himself has practiced the concept of terrace gardening and this has been a great stress-buster. The ‘Seed bank’ revolution has led to the advancement of nations, and it is a high time we put this concept into practice, he said. He also stressed on starting a “Green Club” and “Green Energy” at FMCI. “

On the lighter side of vein Dr K S Bhat said, “Once you start loving the flower, Vegetable and Fruit plants, you may start ignoring/forget your spouse and children. Planting of trees serves purposes like providing alternative fuel options, food for cattle, helps in soil conservation and more than anything offers a natural aesthetic beauty. Also, planting trees can be extremely effective in slowing down global warming and trees also help in reducing pollution as they make the air cleaner. Each of you should plant at least one tree in your house compound or a plant in a pot if you live in an apartment either in kitchen, bedroom or living room.. Vanamahotsava educates the awareness of trees among people and portrays the need of planting and tending of trees, as trees are one of the best ways to prevent global warming and reduce pollution-it is celebrated as a festival of life. “

Fr Richard Coelho- the Director of FMCI started his speech with a wit saying, ” At St Aloysius College-Mangaluru a few days ago, they had 107-year-old Woman, Saalamarada Thimmakka as chief guest for the Vanamahotsava event, but today here at FMCI we have “Tharakari Sundaranna” {Vegetable Sundaranna} hinting at chief guest Dr K Sundara Bhat. The ‘Vanamahotsava’ festival of trees is a beautiful initiative to save the environment, to which we owe a lot. Growing trees is good for environment-we can breathe clean air and they also provide us with shade. At our institution we have decided to plant as many trees as possible to make our campus Green, thereby Thinking Green and Living Green. Let us all join to make our campus environmental friendly and keep it clean and green” Fr. Coelho also urged everyone to treat the Mother Earth in a way that would be feasible for the younger generations to live in.

The invitee was honored with a memento in the form of a plant sapling as a symbolic representation of celebrating the event. To mark the celebration, the Head of the Institutions, Unit heads and Student representatives were handed over saplings, and later they all planted the saplings across the stadium. Administrator of Father Muller Medical College Hospital Fr. Rudolph Ravi D’Sa; Administrator of Father Muller Medical College Fr. Ajith Menezes; Assistant Administrator of Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Fr. Jeevan Sequeira; Principal of Father Muller College of Nursing Sr Jacintha D’Souza; Chief Nursing Officer Sr Janet D’souza, were among other dignitaries present on the occasion.

Sushmitha Ravi Kumar, an III rd year MBBS student compered the event; while Dasmin D’ Souza-Lecturer in Fr Muller College of Speech and Hearing proposed the vote of thanks.

Gardener Dr KS Bhat Grows Plants using NO SOIL?

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