Thousands of Damsels in Mysuru and Mandya get Trained in Self-defence Techniques by Karate Ace Karthik

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Mangaluru: Not just Mangaluru, Udupi and DK district, Karate champ Karthik Kateel has just concluded his training session “Swaraksha for Women’ in Mandya and Mysuru- with this Karthik has completed a total 111 institutions so far since the kicked off his programme in Mangaluru last year- so far he has trained over 28,000 young women at various institutions. Karthik  says that he is very much thankful to for all the coverage that it has been given to his programmes all this time, that principals/staff/student leaders from institutions outside Mangaluru and DK , learning about him after browsing through our website have been calling him to perform the self-defense techniques at their respective institutions.

Team mangalorean congratulates Karthik for completing his 111th  ‘Swaraksha for Women” so far.  Ever since he had launched this self-defense techniques project, exclusively for women, has been associated with his projects and has given wide publicity, until this day. Team Mangalorean feels proud to be associated with Karthik, and will continue to support his future endeavours. Best of luck, Karthik-you are doing a great job by showing women how to protect themselves during time of harassment or attacks.


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At Maharani Arts College, Mysuru- 3000 women, Maharani Science College, Mysuru-2500 women, Maharani Commerce College, Mysuru-500 women, Govt  Women’s College, Manya- 2000 women, Govt women’s College, K R Nagar-1000 women, Govt College-KR Nagar- 400 women got trained i self-defense techniques fro Karthik Kateel, who was accompanied by his mother , to assist him in his demonstration. There were no formal functions prior to the training sessions- just serious self-defense training sessions. With a large number of atrocities on women like rape, harassment, kidnapping, assault, etc etc, taking place in the society these days, this program of self defense techniques served as a important source to the young women present at all these institutions in Mysuru/Mandya, so that they could defend themselves during times of attack, rape or any such type of atrocities/harassment’s.

Karthik said that the girls in Mysuru/Mandya  were all ready to learn some self defence techniques from him, who showed some keen enthusiasm and interest throughout the program. Karthik showed some basis self defense techniques which would help any girl/women during time of attack, rape and such kind of acts on them- and these useful techniques were very much welcomed by the young damsels of these institutions, who opted and promised to use them only during the time of attacks by strangers, and not use them on their brothers or male relatives/friends?. Karthik also demonstrated some martial arts stunts which were wowed by the whole gathering.


“Self defense and self protection are an important priority for women. The most common crime to happen to a woman is rape, but it is more about a feeling of dominance from one person over another rather than actual sex. Assault on women is also a common crime because assailants assume women will be more passive and not fight back; this has to do with stereotypes of women. The best way for women to fight back against crime is to prevent it from happening by avoiding being alone or being in badly lit areas. However, getting into such situations is sometimes inevitable” said Karthik before he went into details of self defence techniques.

In general, there are several crimes that women are most at risk of. They are rape, purse/jewelry snatching, stalking, threats, domestic violence, and crimes against family dispute. With each type of crime, women need to realize that they don’t have to give up and surrender to it or endure it. Up until the last second before the crime actually occurs, women usually still have the power to make decisions that can profoundly affect the outcome. Prevention is commonly the best measure. Still, women have to realize that prevention is not 100 percent effective and, thus, if worse comes to worse, then defending themselves is the best and final recourse.

Five important self-defense techniques were demonstrated by Karthik, followed by few of his martial arts stunts, which stunned and wowed the girls who gave him a thunderous applaud- they even called for more stunts from him, which Karthik obliged them. Everyone was happy that they learned some self-defence techniques which may come handy in times of trouble faced when attacked by a stranger.

Also read the following articles:

Mangaluru: Son and Mom Duo Perform 102nd ‘Swaraksha for Women’ Programme at Milagres College

Mangalore: Martial Arts Champ Karthik Kateel Offers Karate Techniques for Sauraksha of Women

Mangalore: Martial Artist Karthik S Kateel Demonstrates Swaraksha Techniques for Damsels of Roshini Nilaya

Mangalore: All for Safety’s Sake! Martial Artist Karthik offers Self Defence Techniques for St Agnes Girls

Mangaluru: ‘Swaraksha for Women’ at Milagres PUC & Mount Carmel School by Martial Arts Guru Karthik

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