Thousands of Devotees Witness Diocesan Annual Eucharistic Procession

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Thousands of Devotees Witness Diocesan Annual Eucharistic Procession

Udupi: The annual Diocesan Eucharistic Procession organized on the feast of Christ the King at the Milagres Cathedral evoked a devotional response from nearly four thousand Catholics representing 51 parishes of the Udupi Diocese on Sunday, 26 November 2017.

Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo Bishop of Udupi Diocese along with other priests concelebrated the solemn Eucharistic mass in the presence of a large number of people.

During the Homily, the Bishop highlighted the importance of the Eucharist and its evolution by citing a number of examples and events from both the Old and New Testaments. The Eucharist has great strength that nourishes the church in general and the individual faithful in particular.

The mass was followed by the adoration of the Holy Eucharist. Soon after the adoration, the solemn Eucharistic Procession began. The brass band led the procession followed by the Cross and candle bearers and the people holding lighted candles. The Bishop held the Blessed Sacrament that was rested on a pedestal fitted on a decorated vehicle.

The procession moved through the Milagres Cathedral through Ozanum house and entered the Mount Rosary church Santhekatte premises.

Fr Stany B Lobo Rector of Milagres Cathedral expressed gratitude to all those who had helped in organizing the Annual Diocesan Eucharistic Procession. Bishop Gerald Lobo honoured those parishes and individuals who had donated Rs.5,000/- and above to organize the procession and those who had made arrangements of the decorated vehicle in which the Bishop would hold the Blessed Sacrament during the procession.

The Bishop gave away prizes to those parishes who had the highest total collection and highest per head collection on the Mission Sunday.

In his concluding message, Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo expressed his gratitude to all those who had helped in organizing the Diocesan Eucharistic Procession in a grand and meaningful manner.

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