Three-year-old dies after Sliding Iron Gate falls at Kota

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Three-year-old dies after Sliding Iron Gate falls at Kota

Udupi: In a tragic incident, a three-year-old boy was crushed to death after a sliding iron gate of a resort in Padukere under the Kota Police Station limits fell on him on November 21 night.

The deceased has been identified as Sushanth (3), son of Sudhir Kotian and Sharada, residents of Padukere, Kota.

According to the sources, Sushanth was playing with his neighbour near the Resort at Kotathattu, Padukere on Tuesday evening. While playing, the sliding gate of the resort compound fell on Sushanth. Sushath suffered serious head injuries and was rushed to the local government hospital but breathed his last on the way.

The body was later sent for postmortem. Preliminary investigations revealed that the gate which was not fixed properly by the resort owner, collapsed and fell on the boy.

Kota Police visited the spot for further investigations.

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