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Twenty-first anniversary of the Legion of Mary celebrated in the Diocese of Shimoga

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Twenty-first anniversary of the Legion of Mary celebrated in the Diocese of Shimoga

Shivamogga: The twenty-first anniversary of the Legion of Mary “Mount Mary Comitium” of the Diocese of Shimoga was celebrated on September 22, 2024, at Good Shepherd Church, Gopala, Shivamogga.

In the morning at 8:00 a.m., Legion of Mary members prayed the Rosary. At 8:30 a.m., Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga, celebrated the Holy Eucharist and preached a homily on the language of God and the language of human beings. He also explained how Mother Mary understood the language of God in her life and invited the faithful to follow in her footsteps.

After the Mass, the Legion of Mary members proceeded to the hall in a procession. A stage program was organized at Good Shepherd Church Hall, where children performed a prayer dance. Mr. Arokianathan, Treasurer of the Legion of Mary, welcomed the dignitaries: Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga; Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, Legion of Mary Diocesan Spiritual Director; Rev. Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Parish Priest of Good Shepherd Church, Gopala; Rev. Fr Biju, Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Church, Sharavathinagar, Shivamogga; Rev. Fr Lancy Barthalomeo D’Souza, Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception Church, New Town, Bhadravati; Rev. Fr Stany D’Souza, Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shivamogga; Rev. Fr Pius D’Souza, Director of SMSSS; Sr. Elize, Shivamogga; Sr. Marie Evline, Sharavathinagar; Sr. Maria, Karehally; and Legion of Mary President Mr. Anthony Dias.

Mr. Vijay Ratna Kumar read the annual report, and the Legion of Mary Diocesan Team honored the parents of the priests and religious who had given their sons and daughters to the Church.

In his address, Bishop Francis Serrao SJ appreciated the service of the Legion of Mary in the Diocese of Shimoga. He stated that the Legion of Mary and SVP were like two hands in the service of the Diocese and congratulated the dedicated services of its members. He then blessed them and was honored by the Spiritual Director and Comitium members.

Spiritual Director Fr. Franklin D’Souza, in his message, spoke about motivating more faithful to join the Legion of Mary and asked the members to inspire others. He appreciated the role of the Legion of Mary in the parishes. Fr. Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Fr. Stany D’Souza, Fr. Biju, Fr. Lancy D’Souza, and Fr. Pius D’Souza also gave their messages.

President Mr. Anthony Dias thanked everyone, and Mrs. Kavya from Harihar compared the program.

The Mount Mary Comitium organized the program, and 180 Legion of Mary members participated from the four deaneries of the Diocese of Shimoga.

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