Home Agency News Two dead, four missing after oil service barge sinks in Venezuela lake

Two dead, four missing after oil service barge sinks in Venezuela lake

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Two dead, four missing after oil service barge sinks in Venezuela lake

Caracas: At least two people died and four others are missing after a service barge used in the maintenance of oil wells sank in Lake Maracaibo, in western Venezuela’s Zulia state.

The state-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) informed about the incident on Thursday, Xinhua news agency reported.

In a statement, the firm said that the incident was caused by “bad weather conditions that affected the area at the time of the accident,” and said the barge named “Chantase G” belongs to SOSCA, the firm currently providing oil well maintenance services.

“Search and rescue work continues in conjunction with public safety organisations,” the company said, adding a PDVSA High-Level Investigation Committee will look into the matter to definitively determine the causes of the accident and support will be provided to the relatives of the victims.

The state-run company offered its condolences to the families of the deceased.


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