UAE: CABRI Conducts Second Annual MOH-Accredited Seminar on Allergy

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UAE: The Center for Advanced Biomedical Research and Innovation (CABRI), the world-class biomedical research facility of Gulf Medical University (GMU) owned and operated by Thumbay Group, conducted the second annual “Seminar on Allergy: Clinical Approaches to Diagnosis and Therapy,” at the University campus, on Thursday, 12th November 2015, organized by the Health Communications Division of Thumbay Group.

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The seminar, accredited by MOH for 8 CME hours, was attended by around 70 healthcare professionals. The objective of the seminar was to educate healthcare providers on allergy, its testing and prevention. The seminar sessions covered various topics like the immunology of allergy, molecular allergology, asthma, nasopharyngeal allergy, respiratory tract allergies, skin allergies, cutaneous allergies, clinical approaches, methods of allergen testing, food allergy in children, etc. There was also a session providing an overview of allergy testing at CABRI.

Dr. P. K. Menon, Director – CABRI awarded certificates to the participants.

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