Home Mangalorean News Local News UAE: Glittering Extravaganza ‘Fiesta 2015’ Marks 20th Anniversary of KCO Abu Dhabi

UAE: Glittering Extravaganza ‘Fiesta 2015’ Marks 20th Anniversary of KCO Abu Dhabi

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UAE: To mark the 20th Anniversary of KCO Abu-Dhabi, “Fiesta 2015”, a glittering extravaganza held at the Country club here in May 8, in the midst of well attended dignitaries and a packed audience of Mangalorean/Goan community in the UAE.Fiesta as expected turn out be a grand success.

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It was ‘Entertainment Entertainment and Entertainment” all the way at the Abu Dhabi Country Club, when KCO‘s “Fiesta 2015”, a splendid show unfurled with variety entertainment to the delight of the Mangalorean sand Goan audience. It was an apt occasion to celebrate the 20 years of eventful journey of KCO Abu Dhabi befitting its illustrious existence and the selfless service towards the community in the UAE and in India.

KCO’s Annual event lived up to its promise with continuous entertainment throughout the evening with a musical mix from Konkani ,Hindi and English numbers belted out by the artistes specially flown in from Mangalore- Melwyn Peris,Anita Dsouza,Robin and Zeena and aptly supported by the ever young Lorna all the way from Amchem Goa and to give pep the musical feast was the local band in attendance – the very popular Rameiro’s Band.

The programme commenced at 6.15 pm with a prayer lead by Rev Fr. Joseph Martis, Rector of St Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu Mangalore and prayer song led by Rupert Vaz followed by KCO‘s theme welcome song rendered by KCO members laid the perfect start to the evening.

Entertainment Galore:

As part of the celebration, entertainment was in plenty. The festive mood was all over the place and was evident in the manner the audience participated.

Legendary Lorna took the centre stage by commencing her immortal rendition with her powerful voice defying her age. Her presence on the stage and her energy in rendering her famous songs encouraged the appreciative audience to step on the floor. Melwyn Peris with his golden silky voice mesmerized crowd presenting melody after melody, accompanied by the talented multi lingual singer Anitha,ably supported byZeena& Robin and they rendered melodies one after another. The new find Robin mesmerized the crowd with energetic performance. Foot tapping music byRamiro’s Bandwas commendable and had the crowd dancing all the way. As the night progressed, the tempo of music escalated with the audience enjoying themselves in the festive atmosphere. Another new feature in the evening’s activities was the colourful Latino Dance which added colour and variety to the proceedings.

The guests of honour for the show were – Pavan Kumarv Rai, First Secretary at the Indian Embassy, Abu Dhabi and Rev Fr. Joseph Martis,Rector, St Joseph’s Seminary , Jeppu, Mangalore

Another highlight of the event was the theme song, rendered by the members of K.C.O to show their unity and solidarity specially composed for.The ever popular Raffle Draw with attractive prizes like Air tickets by Air India,Gold coin, Large screen TV, Smart phone Tefal cookery sets and a host of other prizes.

The spectacular evening concluded with theBaila session with the audience dancing to their contentment. “Lovdate” at the wee hours of the morning – at 1.30 am to be precise.

Roshan D’Siva compered the programme.

The success of the show was the result of meticulous planning, dedicated preparation, excellent arrangement and professional performance by all entertainers. This event showcased the unity and organizational capabilities of KCO members who worked hand in hand for the success of this show.

Completion of 20 successful years serving community, preserving and promoting Konkani flavor in the gulf by itself is a major achievement for any organization.

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