Home Mangalorean News Local News Udupi: Bishop announces first List of Diocesan Transfers and New Appointments

Udupi: Bishop announces first List of Diocesan Transfers and New Appointments

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Udupi: Bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo has released the first list of priestly transfers and new appointments to the Udupi diocese for the year 2015.


Sl No        Name                       From           To     w.e.f
1 Fr Panghi Raj HM Belle School Returns to Province 30-04-2015
2 Fr. Albert Crasta Bidar PP – Gangolli 14-05-2015
3 Fr Wilson Clywet Lobo, SAC Asst. Shirva Returns to Province 15-05-2015
4 Fr Charles Lewis Chaplain Attur PP Trasi 15-05-2015
5 Fr Lawrence C D’Souza Leave Secretary CESU 15-05-2015
6 Fr Anil Cornelio PP Trasi PP Hirgan 16-05-2015
7 Fr Alphonse D’Lima PP Gangolli PP Auttur 16-05-2015
8 Fr Clement Mascarenhas Secretary CESU PP Belle 19-05-2015
9 Fr Joswey Fernandes PP Belle PP Karkal-Town 20-05-2015
10 Fr Jhon A Barboza PP Karkal Town PP Piusnagar 21-05-2015
11 Fr Walter Jhon Mendonca PP Piusnagar PP Sastan 22-05-2015
12 Fr Canute Barboza Chaplain Ozanam PP Pethri 22-05-2015
13 Fr. Sunil D’Silva PP Pethri PP Ajekar 25-05-2015
14 Fr Lawrence Martis PP Ajekar PP Kota 26-05-2015
15 Fr Pascal Menezes PP Kota Quasi PP Kera 27-05-2015
16 Fr Valerian Fernandes PP Sastan Back to Mangalore
17 Fr Jcinto Dias sdb Goa Provice PP Kelmbet 28-05-2015
18 Fr Santaremend Lopes sdb PP Kelmbet Returns to Province




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Max and Jessie Rasquinha
9 years ago

New appointments, promotions, transfers, special assignments etc., are valuable and important in the Catholic Diocese. The changes enable priests to move along to different areas of the Diocese and interact with new parishoners and share their leaderships and also propagate their faith. In America, the Priests also have a choice and opportunity to express their own desire to move into another Parish, if possible, so that perhaps they can prove themselves better in an environment that is more conducive for them. The Priest has a tremendous responsibility to service the people and make the best that he has so that… Read more »

James Fernandes
9 years ago

I hope every church edifice in Udupi Diocese includes lavatories and parking space for the use of church goers.
and so also the schools run by parishes. …………. if not, When God, When.

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