Udupi Diocese Family Commission holds Specially Abled Jubilee

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Udupi Diocese Family Commission holds Specially Abled Jubilee

Udupi: The Udupi Diocese Family Commission recently organized a celebration for the specially abled as part of the Jubilee program. The event was held at the Kakkunje Anugraha Pastoral Center and aimed to promote inclusivity and recognize the exceptional talents of people with disabilities.

Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of the Udupi Diocese, inaugurated the celebration and emphasized the importance of encouraging and supporting individuals with disabilities. “Everyone should encourage people with disabilities, as they have exceptional talents that can shine with the right support,” he said.

Bishop Lobo also highlighted Pope Francis’s call to provide mental strength to those struggling with physical disabilities. At the diocesan level, a committee has been formed to ensure that children with disabilities receive quality education and access government schemes, enabling them to become self-respecting members of society.

Anil Lobo, president of the MCC Bank, stressed the need to provide opportunities for specially challenged individuals to demonstrate their capabilities, rather than just showing compassion. “We should adopt the mindset that individuals with special needs are one of us, and only through sensitivity can we uplift them,” he said.

The event featured felicitations to Bishop Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, who celebrated his 75th birthday and 25 years of Episcopal ordination. Specially challenged individuals were honored with shawls and tokens of respect by the Bishop and other priests.

The gathering was energized by dance performances and singing by children from the Manasa Special School and youth from the Thottam Church, led by Fr Denis D’Sa.

Prominent guests in attendance included Esther D’Souza, secretary of the Karnataka Regional Commission for Persons with Disabilities; Fr. Vincent Crasta, director of the Anugraha Rehabilitation Center; and Dr. Fr. Roshan D’Souza, director of the Family Commission. Leslie Aroza, director of the Family Commission, compered the program and delivered the vote of thanks.

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