Udupi: Dr AV Baliga Hospital organises 23 rd alcohol de-addiction camp

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Udupi: The Dr AV Baliga Memorial Hospital along with Navajeevana counselling center Doddangudde, Indian Medical Association Udupi Karavali branch jointly organised a 10 day long, 23rd alcohol de-addiction camp in the hospital premises here, on January 1.

The programme began with an invocation, Lohith K welcomed the gathering. Dr Varadesh Heregange Director of Gandhi and Peace Studies Center, Manipal inaugurated the camp by lighting the lamp. While District Information and Broadcasting Officer, Rohini K inaugurated ‘Spoorthi’, the new female de-addiction ward at the hospital.

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In her message Rohini said that alcohol addiction in women lead to destruction of families and also the society. “The alcohol addiction is at peak in our society. The alcohol addiction in women affects families and also society,” she added.

Dr Varadesh Heregange in his message said that earnest efforts in eradicating alcohol addiction affecting the society should be made. Alcohol addiction was also affecting the youth. “According to a WHO report about 3.3 million deaths are reported due to alcohol addiction, in which 7.5% are men and 4% are women in the world. Such camps not only help the addicts free themselves from the bad habit of drinking, but also sends a message across to all the addicts in the vicinity,” he added.

Seven members those who had abstained from alcohol for a minimum period of five years were felicitated on the occasion.

Director of Dr AV Baliga Groups, Dr PV Bhandary presided over the function. President of Indian Medical Association Udupi Karavali Branch, Dr Geetha Putran, Dr Veerupakasha Devarumane, Dr Deepak Mallya and Jeevan Lewis were also present.

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Ronnie D'Souza
9 years ago

Alcoholism is a killer illness, not only the addicted person but also the family and society suffers. I pray such camps helps many to quit drinking. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Wish you all the best.