Udupi: Parish Priest of Shankerpura Fr Lesli D’Souza Celebrates Silver Jubilee of Priesthood

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Udupi: The silver jubilee celebrations of the priestly ordination of Fr Leslie Clifford D’Souza., parish priest, St John’s Evangelist Church Shenkerpura was held here on Sunday May 10.

Jubilarian Fr Lesli D’Souza celebrated the Eucharistic solemn mass. Vicar General of Udupi Diocese Msgr Baptist Menezes, Fr Stany Tauro, Dean of Shirva Deanery, Fr Alex Lewis, Parish Priest of Kanajar, Fr Reginald Pinto, Director of Commission for Social Development of Udupi Diocese and Fr Vincent Coelho, Principal of St John’s College, Pangla were the concelebrants.

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After the mass there was felicitation programme, More than 40 priests and religious sisters were also present. The stage programme began with a welcome dance by the children. Fr Vincent Coelho, Principal of St John’s College welcomed the gathering.

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On behalf the Pangla Church along with Fr Vincent Coelho, and parish pastoral committee felicitated the Jubilarian by Shawl, Garland, and Citations on the occasion. Fr Stany Tauro and Msgr Baptist Menezes congratulated to Fr Lesli for completing fruitful 25 years in priesthood ministry. Over 1500 people from across the deanery were present during the programme.

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