Udupi: Thumbs-up to Honesty! Bus Passenger Returns Wallet with Valuables to Owner

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Udupi: An incident which can reassure the public that honesty still prevails in the present world took place here on Wednesday afternoon.

A woman, the wife of Abubaqer Siddiq of Doddanagudde has lost her wallet while travelling in a bus. It was found by Vasu Chitpadi. He handed it over to Nityananda Olakkadu, general secretary of the district citizens’ forum..

With the details available in the documents in the wallet, he tracked down the owner. The wallet was handed over to the owner on Wednesday.

It contained cash and valuables like ATM and Aadhaar cards.

The honesty displayed by Vasu has been widely appreciated.

Hail Honesty!

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Sudesh Pai
9 years ago

The photo of this person should go viral on watsapp and facebook for his honesty

Nelson Lewis
9 years ago
Reply to  Sudesh Pai

Dear Readers,

I have kept ready a manuscript, which has been indexed and brief intro about me and the story has been also written. Can you recommend a author (or authors) who is willing to see the manuscript and publish i?.

I would like to hear from you or from other concerned parties.

With regards,
Nelson Lewis

9 years ago
Reply to  Nelson Lewis

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-ritter/hillary-clinton-foreign-policy-record_b_9221284.html The decision by the Obama administration to intervene in Libya was both indefensible as policy and legally questionable in terms of international law. The United Nations resolution authorizing the imposition of a “no fly zone” did not contain any language that could sustain the notion of expanding the “no fly zone” into a general aerial bombardment of Libya designed to remove Gaddafi from power — the United States, Great Britain and France were compelled to turn to NATO to provide some semblance of diplomatic cover for that operation. Even if one accepts the morally unsupportable notion that the ends… Read more »