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‘We need 33% of Lung Space for Happy Living’ – Dr Magada, Prof at Fisheries College

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‘We need 33% of Lung Space for Happy Living’ – Dr Magada, Prof at Fisheries College

Mangaluru: Vanamahotsava was organized by Triveni Lions Club in collaboration with Ekkur Youths on 05.08.18 at Vasuki Nagar. Dr Shivakumar Magada, Professor of Aquatic Biology and District Agriculture Coordinator, Lion Dist. 317 D during his address said, ” We need 33% lung space for happy living. In India, it is only 20.5% as against 30.4% in the world. A small country like Singapore has 41% green cover. “If all the plants that are planted by various organizations on Vanamahotsava and other occasions grow well, Complete India will be covered with forest within five years”. Fortunately, it did not happen. Now it’s time to rethink and do our actions wisely.

He compelled all the people who took part in planting program to take the oath that they maintain it for the lifetime. It was assigned to the learned group that all the plants will be geo-tagged and QR codes will be printed and displayed in front of the plants. Geotagging or GeoTagging is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as a geotagged photograph or video, websites, SMS messages, QR Codes. Geotagging can help users find a wide variety of location-specific information from a device. For instance, someone can find images taken near a given location by entering latitude and longitude coordinates into a suitable image search engine. Geotagging-enabled information services can also potentially be used to find the location of a plant for further management. He also urged the people to plant more fruit-bearing trees in the forest area and allow them to grow; so that man-animal conflicts can be reduced.

Surendra, Corporator, Kiran Rai, Youth Leader, Poornima Rao, President and Veena Mangala, Secretary, Ashok Rao, Past president of Milagres Lions Club, Shubhakar Shetty and many residents of Vasuki Nagar were present.

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