Website Impact! DCP/ACP remove Shop Owner’s Personal ‘No Parking Sign’

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Website Impact! DCP/ACP remove Shop Owner’s Personal ‘No Parking Sign’

Mangaluru: Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or few days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace, Getting financial aid for the needy etc.

Here is yet another story where a report about a personal parking space occupied by a private business owner on a public property, was published in, “Businesses Post ‘No Parking’ Sign-But Whose Property Is It?”- and with the quick action taken by Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic) Dr Sanjiv M Patil and Assistant Commissioner of Police Tilak Chandra, the Kadri East Police Station cops have removed the ‘No Parking’ sign, and also wheel locked vehicles that were parked in a no Parking zone. The residents of ‘AR D’Souza Street- Lower Bendore-well have expressed their heartfelt thanks to DCP and ACP, and also the Kadri Police station team for their involvement in rectifying this issue.



While Mangaluru City is already facing acute shortage of parking spots, added to that private business owners are making use of some of the MCC owned property as their Parking spaces. Many of these buildings when applied for licences even though they had mentioned about providing parking places, but have constructed shops without space for parking in the building. And the business owners in these buildings have no option, they post ‘No Parking’ sign for their customers. If you look around the City, you will see ‘No Parking’ signs erected in front of many private firms- but do these people know that they don’t own the parking space-they only own or rent their business space- the parking place that they claim to be theirs, legally belongs to MCC. Period!

Many commercial complexes in the City which operate without parking place are the main reason for traffic congestion during busy hours. Vehicles parked on footpaths or roadsides, and for that matter, parked in front of these businesses who had posted ‘No parking’ signs for their benefit are creating lots of hassles for the motorists and also leading to traffic snarls. Many of these buildings allow a limited number of vehicles, especially meant for their clients, while other commercial buildings don’t even have proper parking space. Even though that every private/commercial building has to provide enough space for vehicle parking, but unfortunately, the owners of these buildings violate the rules after obtaining the licence, some even use political influence, as per MCC officials. So what a corrupt society are we living in?

The story related in this report is a business owner who had made a portion of a public property as his personal parking spot, located on AR D’Souza Road, near Bendore-well to park his car. A ‘No Parking’ sign is erected prior to the arrival of the owner to his business, and once he arrives, he parks his car in the reserved spot, and once he leaves, the ‘No Parking’ sign is put back. But frankly speaking, this business owner does not own the parking space, it is a public property meant for anyone to park their vehicle. When such people claim that space belongs to them to park their vehicle, others don’t get a parking space.

Finally, with a group of the area residents meeting the DCP and ACP by submitting a memorandum signed by 58 residents of that area (copy of memorandum is incorporated below) about their issue has prove success, with the DCP and ACP directing the cops to remove the No Parking Sign put up by the business owner. As private business owners block parking places once their limit is covered, the remaining customers/general public have no other option than to park their vehicles at the road sides, which either get wheel-locked by the cops- and even create traffic snarls. Sadly MCC has failed to check violations of building rules earlier, now the problem has gone out of control. Business owners are taking laws into their won hands- they think they own the public property for their personal parking facility. Traffic police should take strict action against these violators, without any partiality or corruption.

In conclusion, a message to all these business owners, it is illegal for you to put a “no parking” sign out by the road, in a misguided attempt to prohibit parking. Such signs can be placed alongside the road only by the authority of the MCC or Traffic police. Essentially all other signs, placed near the road, or indeed anywhere in the public right of way, are illegal and may be removed by the concerned authorities without notice. But sadly that is not happening in Mangaluru. MCC and City traffic police have turned a blind eye against these issues, and commercial/ business owners are taking advantage of this. But they should realize that the road is public, and open to all, with some exceptions. You could probably put a sign in your driveway, saying “No Parking” and be within your rights- but not on a public property which belongs to MCC/Citizens. It is a public street, and you do not have the exclusive right to parking privilege. A no parking sign on the street in front of your business, unless it your property, is ignorant. You do not own the street or have exclusive right to park there nor your exclusive customers.

Now that the law enforcement has come to their rescue and settled this long pending issue, the residents of this area are happy and very thankful to the DCP, ACP and the Traffic police of Kadri East Police station for taking action. In appreciation, one senior lady resident of this area has submitted the following which she wants us to publish, so that other residents who are facing the same situation should also take steps like they did……


Jai Ho..! To the Mangaluru Police Officials and Police Force (Want to know why? Read on……)

A narrow by-street in the Central part of the Mangaluru City, near lower Bendore-well is the main access to the thickly populated residents of this area, using small and large vehicles, but a private business owner having his shop on this narrow road, tried to monopolize the public road, by erecting a No Parking Sign to park his SUV, thereby putting the rest of the residents into constant trouble.

Constant friendly and peaceful appeals to this businessman by the residents had no result, and the matters were getting worse. Hence, the residents had no other go but to take recourse to lawful means and appeal to the traffic police authorities of the town. A large delegation of the residents, young and aged, ladies and gents represented the matter to the city Deputy Commissioner of police (crime and Traffic) and also the ACP (traffic section) with a written appeal.

Both these respected officials though pressured by responsibilities and duties gave a warm welcome to the delegates and a patient listening to their problem. They assured to take action immediate action. Within 24 hours action was taken and the defaulter being warned. The residents appreciate very much the efficient work by the police officials and thank them because they can now commute peacefully. Three Cheers!! to the Managluru Police Force. Hip hip hooray! Can anyone say that the Mangaluru Police don’t take action?

Yours Truly, A Senior Citizen!

Following is the copy of the memorandum submitted to the DCP:

The Residents,
AR D’Souza Road, Lower Bendore-Well

Dr Sanjiv M Patil
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic)
Mangaluru City

Sub: Requesting to take action against a business owner who has been taking a private parking space to park his car on a public property, has been creating inconveniences and hardship for the residents, especially senior citizens.

Dear Sir,

We the residents living on AR D’Souza Road/Lower Bendore-Well, on the outset would like to beg your pardon for the irreverent intrusion with this letter which may interfere with your precious time- but at the same time we would like you to spend few of your precious minutes towards this matter and kindly solve the issue which we are putting forth before you through this petition.

We would like to bring to your notice about a private business owner, (having a business on AR D’Souza Road, Bendoorwell, Mangalore – 575002, behind royal Darbar), every day using a space belonging to the public/MCC to park his car. A ‘No Parking’ sign is erected prior to the arrival of the owner to his business, and once he arrives, he parks his car in the reserved spot, and once he leaves, the ‘No Parking’ sign is put back. But frankly speaking, this business owner does not own the parking space, it is a public property meant for anyone to park their vehicle. When (He) claims that space belongs to him to park his vehicle, unfortunately, visitors to our homes/apartments are left with no parking, rather than go round in circles to get a parking spot.

Not only that the reserved parking taken by this business owner results in inconveniences to the pedestrians, but also creates lots of inconveniences for the MCC garbage truck and other larger vehicles to move on that road. Many kind requests made by the residents, especially by a few senior citizens, residing on this stretch of the road to (Him) have proved no results, and all attempts to convince him have been in vain. Once when a lady senior citizen residing on this road approached him at his office, and in-kind gesture wanted to offer him a parking space in her compound, she was ignored, and was made to leave his office using foul language against her-we feel this was rude on his part to treat a senior citizen in such undignified manner.

Even though that we had complained about this to the traffic police and MCC, and also this issue was published in ‘’ website here, but no action has been taken till now. We can only think that money or political influence is playing an important role here, which is not right and good for the society. We hope that at least by highlighting this parking issue through this petition/letter submitted to you for your kind consideration, would bring some positive action from your side, thereby solving the problems faced by the residents of this area from a long time.

We the residents of this road would like to propose a couple of solutions to rectify this issues like- Moving a light pole which is opposite to (His) office premises 3 ft away, and thus widening the available space ; Secondly leveling the illegal platform constructed in front of (His) office, and thus adding 3.5 ft or more space to the road, this will allow better and free vehicle movement on this stretch of road. We hope good sense prevails and quick and decisive action be taken.

Hoping that you will do the needful, we remain thanking you in anticipation,

Yours Truly,
AR D’Souza Road Residents
(Signatures by 58 Residents attested herewith )

CC to: Tilak Chandra-ACP (Crime and Traffic); Harinath- Mayor, Mangaluru City Corporation

Note: Although the name of the business owner had been mentioned on the memorandum, decided to delete it so that the identity of the person is not revealed. He/Him/His is referred to as the business owner)

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8 years ago

Great initiative by The residents and
Such type of boards and marks are availble in public road in Bijai new road also.