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Website Impact! Hazardous ‘Banana Tree’ Warning Sign Removed

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Website Impact! Hazardous ‘Banana Tree’ Warning Sign Removed

Mangaluru: Yes, once again we have proved one more positive result after highlighting the issue on Mangalorean.com-Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or few days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past Mangalorean.com has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace, neglected garbage, illegal hoardings, Hazardous warning signs, potholes etc.

Seems like when it comes to safety in Mangaluru, no one seems to care, including MCC or District administration officials. The callous approach of the City Corporation regarding drainage repairs/ road repairs has resulted in many accidents. Poor road conditions and no warning road repair sites have been hazardous to commuters lately in the City. Poorly planned repairs of roads or drainage systems and an approach to ongoing civic works are not only choking vehicular movement but also causing inconvenience to City commuters. Seems like the Mangaluru City Corporation is immune to place hazard signs. Without any proper signs posted, commuters have no warning of the upcoming hazard. In order to highlight this civic issue about a “Banana Tree” and few other tree branches placed as a warning sign on the Nanthoor-Bikkarnakatta Road to alert motorists about a huge pothole, article Caution! “There’s a Banana Tree Grown Right in Middle of the Road?”  “published on 3 May. Funny but strange- but Not a Smart idea for a “Smart City?”.


There are many such kinds of warning signs at various places in the city – what a shame? Our report was an eye-opener for the concerned MCC officials- Within few hours after the article was published the barricade and the banana tree/tree limbs were removed, and the pothole had been covered with red soil. Although the problem was not rectified the right way- but we felt that something is better than nothing- and for that matter, much better than having tree limbs etc as warning signs. Not happy with the half-done patchwork over this pothole, Team Mangalorean contacted one of the MCC officials, for which the official assured us that the pothole will be paved/tared with the next couple of days, weather permitting. Okay, we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed, if the problem is not solved within the next couple of days, we’ll call MCC again.


It is high time that the Mangaluru looks at building a people-friendly City. Pedestrian environment, vehicular grid, urban fabric, proper safety and maintenance of road work, and landmarks are the key factors civic agencies need to focus on before designing urban spaces. Finally, all I have to add is, whenever road repair is ongoing, the City entities and contractors involved in the project should warn the public of hazards through proper warning signs–and since that it is lacking very much the concerned authorities should rectify this hazardous situation as soon as possible, before severe accidents or fatalities take place. Thank You!

‘Unique and Wackiest’ World Environment Day 2017 celebrated on City Streets

Like every year ‘World Environment Day’ (WED) was observed today, 5 June all over the globe, including Mangaluru. The theme for this year WED is “Connecting People to Nature”, which implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the Earth that we share. World Environment Day is the biggest annual event for positive environmental action and takes place every 5 June. World Environment Day is a day for everyone, everywhere. Since it began in 1972, global citizens have organized many thousands of events, from neighbourhood clean-ups to action against wildlife crime, to replanting forests. This year’s theme invites you to think about how we are part of nature and how intimately we depend on it. It challenges us to find fun and exciting ways to experience and cherish this vital relationship.

And Mangaluru City Corporation also participated in celebrating WED, and during a press meet held a few days ago, MCC Mayor Kavitha Sanil had promised to plant 1500 saplings around the City to mark this unique day. Prior to her press meet, Team Mangalorean had published an article “There’s a Banana Tree Grown Right in Middle of the Road?”  on 3 May- and in response to this article one of our ardent readers Joe D’Souza, had posted the following comment on our website blog- it read:

On Nanthoor-Bikarnakatta Road

On Kadri Kambala Road

“Vanamahostava is already begun in Bikarnakatte Ward. Mayor told Us that 1500 saplings are going to be planted and now only 1499 are left to be planted. I thought the hole in the ground was to repair the Water leak. I did not know it was for planting a Banana tree!!! It is already 3 weeks since this hole was dug to repair a water leak and the pit was dug up in middle of Highway. I had called Mr Naresh Shenoy, head of Water Dept. and informed Him of the danger. He promised to take care of it. Three weeks later instead of patching up the hole, Banana tree has come up in that hole.

Until the death of the Young girl at Toll Gate, this hole was open and almost 6 inches deep and 3 ft. long plus 2 ft. wide. Soon after the Girls’ death Banana plant has come up. If not another death was about to happen. Then City would have to build a grave Stone on that spot because it was inviting a death. Cheers to Corporator of the Ward for saving the Environment with green revolution. Soon, plate full of ripe Bananas.”

On Balmatta New Road

Well said by Joe on the lighter side of vein- quite hilarious! And now as we celebrated ‘World Environment Day’ – Team Mangalorean witnessed a unique and wackiest way of celebrating WED, where “saplings/trees” were planted/erected at the manhole construction zone or near pothole. Like what Joe D’Souza said, already we saw four saplings/trees planted around the city- so out of 1500 saplings as promised by the mayor to be planted around, with five already taken care by the citizens, they were left with only 1495 plants to take care of? Happy World Environment Day, Kudla Style?

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