Home Mangalorean News Local News Website Impact! MCC Fixes the Faulty/Leaky Water Pipe within 24 Hours

Website Impact! MCC Fixes the Faulty/Leaky Water Pipe within 24 Hours

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Website Impact! MCC Fixes the Faulty/Leaky Water Pipe within 24 Hours

Mangaluru: Once again Mangalorean.com has proved one more positive result after highlighting another civic issue -Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or couple of days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past Mangalorean.com has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace, neglected garbage, illegal hoardings, pot holes, dying trees etc.


Two days ago, on 5 October Team Mangalorean had published a report “MCC Negligence! Gallons of Water Lost due to Faulty/Leaky Pipe near Kadri” in Mangalorean.com, and by 6th October evening, the leaky/faulty water pipe was fixed by the MCC officials along with their workers. Team Mangalorean had forwarded the report to MCC Mayor Kavitha Sanil, and also concerned MCC Officials, for their quick action- and looks like they did act quickly. Thank You Mayor, Kadri Area Ward Corporator Ashok Kumar DK, and other MCC Officials who were responsible to fix this civic issue.

Even few of our readers had commented about this report on their facebook- like Dr Edmond Fernandes posted his comment saying, “When Karnataka is facing drought, we cannot afford such costly mistakes wasting water. About time the City Corporation is held accountable to the people. I hope Mangaloreans also rise up to participate actively in governance processes”. Shalini Shetty posted her comments saying, ” Hoping this report would awaken our city officials to act quickly, so that no more water is lost, which is precious when many people don’t have access to clean drinking water. Hope to see positive results soon from the Mayor and her team”.


The earlier report was addressed to the kind attention of MCC Mayor Kavitha Sanil and Area Ward corporator Ashok Kumar DK of Kadri (South), where a loose connection of the water pipe had resulted in losing gallons and gallons of water 24X7. This has been a long time problem, where after complaints the concerned people come and do an incomplete- and few days later it’s once again, the same problem of water leakage. And recently it was much more worse, with water oozing out continuously, and overflowing surrounding areas. And no MCC officials nor the corporator has taken any action to fix this problem. The exact location of this faulty/leaky water pipe was opposite to Natural Ice Cream shack on Kadri Road (Kadri Pumpwell), near Karnataka Bank-Kadri.

After the report was published in mangalorean.com, within 24 hours the MCC crew got into action and fixed the leaky water pipe, and as of now, not even a single drop water is leaking or lost. Team Mangalorean feels proud that yet another civic issue, where water was lost in gallons due to MCC negligence has been rectified, thereby saving water, which is very precious these days. While most of the City is dying of thirst due to low water supply during summer times, and here we had water being lost due to human error and negligence. Water leaks are becoming a bigger cause for concern with corporations/municipalities desperately trying to conserve more water, while trying to decrease the amount of clean water that is being wasted through burst water pipes.

Old water infrastructure has been a problem for MCC with old metal pipes rusting, loose bolts giving way, and clean water gushing onto the street or into drains, costing a fortune in revenue. So how much water does the city actually lose because of this? A LOT! If you examine some of the MCC water connection pipes you will notice some shocking results- most pipes in the distribution system in a bad condition. The pipes are either leaking and the dead ends capped with wooden/metal corks increasing the likelihood of water-borne diseases. Presence of heavy metals like iron and lead corroding from the pipes and joints could far exceed limits of safe drinking water. Sadly, MCC doesn’t care about citizens health safety.

Now that this problem of leaky/faulty water pipe near Kadri Pumpwell has been fixed, MCC should inspect other leaky/faulty water pipes in the City, before gallons of water is lost. If any of our readers come across such faulty/leaky water pipes, please bring it to our notice by emailing it to info@mangalorean.com – and we’ll highlight the issue so that the concerned officials will take action and rectify the problem. On behalf of the residents of Kadri ward and surrounding vicinity, once again thanks to the Mayor, area ward corporator Ashok and others who fixed this long time problem.

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