Website Impact! MCC Trims Tree Branches Posing Danger to Citizens
Website Impact! MCC Trims Tree Branches Posing Danger to Citizens, on the KankanadyValencia Road (from Fr Muller Hospital-Valencia Circle)
Mangaluru: Following close on its heels, once again has proved one more positive result after highlighting another civic issue -Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or few days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace, neglected garbage, illegal hoardings, pot holes etc.

I do agree that chopping down trees is not good for the environment- but what if some of these age-old trees show signs of danger to the people. In the past there have been many incidents occurred in town, where age-old trees have come crashing down on vehicles, walls, shops etc, due to the negligence of MCC or other district administration officials not taking any quick actions even when these trees show signs of danger to the public, motorists or nearby businesses. Although just recently we had featured an article where a tree in front of LIC building, next to RTO office had developed hollowness at the bottom- chances were that anytime due to a heavy hail storm or high blowing winds it could have come crashing down on the vehicles parked below it, specially auto-rickshaws, or maybe even pedestrians or nearby shops. After an article was published highlighting this tree, within a couple of days MCC chopped down that tree- and what a relief was for the auto-driers and pedestrians walking close by to it.

Earlier to that Team Mangalorean had published yet another article on an issue pertaining to dead-old trees posing danger to the autorickshaw drivers who park their vehicles below these tree near Fr Muller Hospital front entrance- the report was named “Auto-Drivers near Fr Muller Hospital Fear that Trees may Crash on Them”. After the article was published few auto-drivers had met the Mayor, who assured to cut down the trees soon- but took a while for that to happen. Then the drivers had met MLA J R Lobo, who gave his own explanation, that environmentalists raise objection against tree cutting. Oh well!
But recently when a freak accident took place in Mumbai, where a falling coconut tree killed an innocent life of a 58-year-old lady, Team Mangalorean made one more article “Falling of Coconut Tree Kills Lady in Mumbai- Such Deaths Can Happen in M’luru Too?“, with an intention to bring awareness among the MCC officials, including the Mayor that such deaths could happen in Mangaluru, since there are quite a few trees that are hazardous. Bet the Mayor took our report very seriously and got into action ordering that the tree limbs/branches that pose danger to the citizens on Kankanady Valencia Road be trimmed immediately- and this late afternoon, workers did cut down branches that were posing danger, and also branches that were hanging towards the road. More branches will be cut tomorrow morning, according to the workers.
Finally, the Mayor came to the rescue of these auto-drivers and other citizens, before any tree accident could happen. If you had looked at the branches of these trees, that one day due to heavy winds they would have snapped, and could have damaged vehicles or hurt people. Sylvester, an auto-driver speaking to Team Mangalorean said, “I am happy that the Mayor took this decision quickly, and now we are free of any fear of falling tree branches. Our sincere thanks to for your efforts in highlighting this civic issue, thereby preventing any accident. Thanks also to the Mayor and her colleagues who took the action in rectifying the civic problem”
In the meantime, Team Mangalorean also want to thank the Mayor for taking quick action after our two reports highlighting the risks posed by trees at two locations- near RTO auto-rickshaw stand; and now near Fr Muller Hospital Auto-rickshaw stand. But there are a few slanting trees on the NH 66 near Nanthoor Junction and few of them on the Nanthoor-Kadri Chef stretch which may anytime collapse- we kindly request the Mayor to do the needful in this regard, before these trees uproot and come crashing down on motorists and commuters.
The problem with our MCC authorities is that they wait till the trees fall, and then only take action–like many trees had fallen due to rains recently. The safety of pedestrians and of all road users should be the first and most important priority for National Highway authorities and also local authorities and also for a State body that has a responsibility in this area. Some of these trees may have a disease, which is a clear indication of root rot. Through this report, Team Mangalorean is asking as a matter of urgency that any hazardous trees that pose danger to lives should be chopped down without any second thought. MCC should go around and inspect for bad-old trees, including coconut trees, and those that appear in any way dubious should be promptly removed before they crash down resulting in injuries or death to motorists or pedestrians. Let us not anticipate for a tragedy that tragedy that took place in Mumbai, which claimed an innocent woman’s life.
In conclusion. big trees need space for branches and roots too. Now there is a need to review, conduct a census of trees within the city, decide how many are safe, how many are to be pruned, how many need felling. This is the responsibility of MCC. I am sure they will fail to realise until they are hauled up by the court. During road construction, trees are damaged. Once they become weak and are held loose, one small thunderstorm would make their posture changed from vertical to horizontal. And regarding these trees which have become weak, dried should be immediately looked over by MCC and take necessary action as soon as possible- before any accident resulting in injuries or death.
Also read related articles below:
Falling of Coconut Tree Kills Lady in Mumbai- Such Deaths Can Happen in M’luru Too?
Caution! Watch for Falling Trees between Nanthoor and Kadri Chef Stretch
A prabhum July 25th
Dear mangalorean . Com
Thanks for the article.
Bringing to your notice a tree with rotting roots on the border of city gate / Capitol/
Near ballal garage end .
The same place 10 years back a tree fell on an ambassador car and 2 Nuns were trapped
Inside they were rescued only after the fire service came.
The local corporators is giving a deaf year .
Please kindly help through Mayor ma’am.
City gate / Capitol members / senior citizens .
Why is attention not paid on the other side of the same road in front of Fr Mullers Hostels? A beautiful line of small Singapore cherry trees with good canopy was cut down and now the area looks so barren. Definitely those trees were not posing any danger but giving good shade. Yet they were all cut, no trace of them. can anyone enlighten as to what happened and why did it happen? At this rate, how do you green Mangalore if you go on cutting the very trees after a few years planted to improve greenery. Are the Forest… Read more »