Website Impact! Street Lights are Now ON when Needed, OFF when Not Needed?

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Website Impact! Street Lights are Now ON when Needed, OFF when Not Needed?

Mangaluru : Once again has proved one more positive result after highlighting another civic issue -Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or couple of days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace, neglected garbage, illegal hoardings, pot holes, dying trees etc.


Team Mangalorean had published an article” dated 23 April 2019 in, after spotting street lights being still lit during daylight in the vicinity of Bishop’s compound, Valencia, Mangaluru. Within few hours after the article was published, Team Mangalorean received a call from a lady resident of Bishop’s compound who said, “Your report has turned into magic. We had crew from MESCOM stop by and checked into the problem- and found out that a fuse had blown off. And they said that they were alerted by the civic issue that was highlighted in the website. Now the lights are working proper at night, and early in the morning they are shut off. Thanks Team Mangalorean of for your efforts. Good job”.


When energy crisis is a big threat and unscheduled power cuts are the order of the day, street lights can be seen burning during daytime in many places in the city. Whether Mangaluru City Corporation or Mescom officials have the control over the functioning of street lights, either one of them have to take the responsibility in not wasting the precious source of energy. The burning of lights in the daylight is sheer waste of energy, and MCC has to bear the cost paid by tax payers money. Team Mangalorean is glad that this issue was rectified in no time, and appreciate the concerned people in Mescom for taking the initiative.

Now that Team Mangalorean had highlighted one such issue in one particular area, but as responsible citizens of Mangaluru, you need to bring such power wastage issues to the attention of the Mescom authorities or MCC, as this is an extremely worrying situation. Seeing light still on in the morning, when the sun had risen, is immense waste of electricity. In a Smart City like Mangaluru, where people are encouraged to save water and electricity in favour of Mother Nature, such wastage is certainly unacceptable. Let’s OUR, MESCOM, and MCC’s motto be “SAVE ENERGY, and NOT WASTE ENERGY”?

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