Home Agency News When India speaks, the world listens: PM Modi tells diaspora 

When India speaks, the world listens: PM Modi tells diaspora 

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When India speaks, the world listens: PM Modi tells diaspora  

Uniondale: Today when India speaks on a global platform, the world listens, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday before an audience of the diaspora as he projected his vision of India’s place in a changing world.


“The India of today is emerging as a catalytic agent in the world, and the impact will be visible in every sector. Some time ago, when I said, this is not the era of war, the seriousness of it was understood by all friends,” he said while addressing Indian-Americans at an event titled ‘Modi & US: Progress together’.

“Whenever in the world there is a crisis, India has come forward as a first responder,” the Prime Minister added.

“We do not seek our dominance in the world,” he said contrasting India’s ambitions against others. “We want to help in the prosperity of the world.”

Prime Minister Modi further said that India’s role will be “crucial to accelerate the global peace process”.

About 15,000 people representing the diversity of India reflected in the kaleidoscope of clothing, and the Sikh turbans, the Muslim headgear of both men and women, packed the Nassau Coliseum in this suburb 50 kilometres from New York City.

Even as he spoke of India’s historic contributions to the world, he gave his vision of India as a technology and economic superpower.

He gave new meanings for Artificial Intelligence, playing on the initials: “A is for aspirational, I for India – Aspirational India. This is a new force. It’s a new energy.”

“The aspirations of millions of Indians are driving India’s growth; every achievement, every aspiration, gives birth to new achievements, and every achievement becomes like fertiliser and water for new aspirations, inspires new aspirations,” the Prime Minister said.

Another definition he gave for AI was “America and India”, two technology powerhouses working together.

“AI, I believe, also means the spirit of America, India. This is a spirit. This is the new AI power for the world. This AI spirit will take India-America relations to new heights,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi said that his election for a third term, unprecedented in recent times, both showed Indians’ regard for the achievements so far and the mandate for the future.

The Prime Minister also announced that the Indian government will open two new consulates in the US — one in Boston, and another in Los Angeles. “Last year, I announced the opening of a new Indian consulate in Seattle. I sought your suggestions for two additional Consulates. India has now decided to open two new consulates in Boston and Los Angeles,” he said.

Prime Minister Modi thanked the people for turning up at the event and ended his speech with the “Bharat Mata ki Jai” slogan.


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