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Why Spend Big Bucks on ‘Pardesi’ Pups, When You Can Adopt Cute ‘Desi’ Pups for FREE

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Why Spend Big Bucks on ‘Pardesi’ Pups, When You Can Adopt Cute ‘Desi’ Pups for FREE

Why Spend Big Bucks on ‘Pardesi’ (Foreign) Breed Pups, When You Can Adopt ‘Desi’ Pups for FREE. A bevy of women from Mangaluru who are Animal Lovers, who are planning to start a TRUST to take care of the Strays, have a few desi puppies which they want people to adopt them and give them a new life. So if anyone wants to adopt these cute little desi pups, kindly call

Mangaluru: Many Indians love their pets, so much so, that they’re more like family members to them. And, while a majority still tries to buy expensive breeds, there is a rising number of those who prefer to adopt and not shop, for Desi breeds. But it isn’t only the denizens who seem to have taken a fancy towards bringing home an adopted dog, the demand for desi dogs has great international appeal too! Along with the droves of Indians migrating to Canada, a street dog called Inde has been enjoying the good life. His “desi-mom”, as Canadian Olivia Craven describes herself, said, “Inde, short for India, is particularly fond of the snow. We take her snowshoeing every winter and she bounds in and out of the snow like a deer. She is enjoying life here than in India.” Thrilled with her desi girl, Craven said she wishes she could adopt another 30 puppies from India. “It often pains me to think what may have happened to Inde if she hadn’t been rescued,” she said. Craven added that she hoped more people in Canada would adopt dogs from India and popularize the desi breed.

Tiny, Poppet and Inde are among the numerous strays, or desis, as Indian breeds are known, who have found loving homes across international borders. Delhi-based veterinarian Premlata Choudhary has sent more than 200 dogs on plane rides in the last three years. “There are many dog lovers in the world who go to great lengths to adopt stray dogs, including those that are disabled, blind and incontinent, from India,” she said. While the favoured destination for desi dogs travelling to the West has for long been Canada, dog lovers in the US, the UK, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, France and Spain have also begun arranging for desis to join their families abroad. “People here are falling in love with the street dogs from India—they find them beautiful, strong and healthy, and want to give them a loving home, especially after hearing about the pitiable conditions they live in. They will go to great lengths to give them a second chance in life.” said Karen Smith from USA.

The bottom line here is that if foreigners can adopt Desi dogs aka Indian dogs why not Desi people aka Indians adopt Desi dogs also? Don’t Shop…ADOPT. A bevy of women in Mangaluru, who are “All Animal Lovers”and who will be forming a TRUST soon to take care of Desi dogs/Strays have appealed through Mangalorean.com that Mangaloreans start showing sympathy towards these desi pups/dogs, so that they find a loving and caring family that would give them a second and better life. That’s a great decision because a stray’s physiology is best suited for the climatic conditions of the place where you live which means they fall sick less often. They are low maintenance as they don’t require much on medical expenses and grooming like brushing, shampooing or special dog food and tonics that a pedigree dog will need. A street dog is just as much loyal, playful, loving, protective just as any other pedigree. They will die protecting you and your family and will NEVER hurt anyone in your house. They can be trained and will listen to every command.

Regarding things you should do, once you adopt a dog, take the dog to the vet and get him checked. Give him all the necessary vaccination shots. Caring for a pet takes a lot of time, discipline and commitment. You will have to have patience during litter training and obedience training. You will have to ensure that he gets enough exercise and time from your end to take care of his needs. So if you can give him time and can care for him before all your needs, then get a pet. Or else be happy petting your friends dog, which is a Desi!

It is a great idea! As long as you will be committed in taking care of the dog as a new part of your family, why not? You will also save the dogs’ lives and give them the love they deserve! At home at Kadri, we have two Desi dogs picked up from the streets, and my brother is taking care of four desi dogs at our farm in Merlapadua, where these dogs were also found on the streets- and they are very happy to find a good home,

I bet you will feel awesome about the fact that you would be giving shelter and warmth to a homeless canine. Remember, dogs are not objects that you buy for your entertainment, they are friends you make. Money can buy a dog but not the wag of its tail. Adopt a stray that actually needs shelter and it would love you like no one else in the world. A stray dog would love you as much as a fancy Husky or a St. Bernard would, probably even more. If you’ve ever loved a dog, you’d know how insensitive it is to objectify them into status symbols. Also stray dogs are very very healthy and have strong immune system. Strays have been living in the harshest weather conditions since forever. I have adopted two strays and they have never ever, never ever fallen sick while my Daschund is like a new born baby, sensitive to everything around him.

Finally a message from all these Women Animal Lovers to our readers, “We have Desi pups for adoption, which are cute and easy to take care. We all know that there are way too many strays in Mangaluru, but unless and until everyone tries to find a home for these abandoned and neglected strays, we animal lovers can’t do much. We would encourage you to adopt a pet in your home-use your individual human power and make a difference to your life and theirs. They are tough resilient loving animals and very well suited for our temperature and living conditions. Looking forward for your magnanimous support. Let the vision of Mangaluru be “Mangaluru with No abandoned Animals-and let all Animals have a lovely Home and family. Thank You”.

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