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With Love & Being People Friendly Kadri Police Distribute Cake to Motorists on NYE  

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With Love & Being People Friendly Apart from Traffic Violation checks, Kadri East Police Distribute Cake to Motorists on New Year’s Eve

Mangaluru: India’s Education Hub Mangaluru had turned into a fortress on New Year’s Eve with heavy police presence and elaborate security arrangements to avoid any untoward incidents in the garb of revelry. There were hundreds of police at every nook and corner to check on motorists trying to break traffic rules. However, sources reveal that there were no major problems, except for minor arguments/incidents where the cops gave warning to the motorists to adhere to traffic rules and avoid unnecessary hassles.

Following the orders given by police commissioner Anupam Agarwal that the New Year celebration on beaches, parks, and other open places should end by 10 p.m. on December 31, and parties in resorts, party halls, churches, and other indoor places can go on till 12.30 a.m., on January 1, to prevent any last minute untoward incidents, the City saw heavy police checks to crack down on traffic rules violators, especially drunk driving. To prevent instances of ‘moral policing’ and other instances of harassment in open places, flexes were placed at beaches asking people to dial 112 or other numbers of police personnel, for immediate response. Sixty-six mobile squads patrolled the city well beyond December 31 midnight. Drink and drive checks, drug abuse checks, etc., were conducted, but being a New Year fun night, violators were let go with strict warnings.

Police Commissioner who had said that strict action would be taken against those trying to moral crowds, there were no instances of any moral policing, and also around New Year’s Eve, there are multiple issues that crop up when inebriated and unruly mobs tend to cause trouble in the course of their revelry. In advance, the police had warned of serious consequences to those elements. The police had also deployed special squads to crack down on drug dealers and drug consumers. It should be noted that the City police have busted several peddlers in recent months importing and selling drugs to youngsters in the city.

Apart from barricading the busy city roads for traffic violations, and spreading the spirit and fun of the New Year, the Kadri traffic police had a special treat for the motorists where they were offered cake pieces near Kadri Circuit house. Apart from ACP (Traffic) Ms Geetha Kulkarni and DCP (Crime & Traffic) Dinesh Kumar, along with other Kadri East police personnel spread the cheer of New Year 2024 by distributing cake pieces- and the motorists were taken into surprise by the kind gesture of these police personnel. Truly a people-friendly attitude shown by the cops towards the motorists.

The police fraternity also exchanged new year greetings among their colleagues past midnight near the Clock Tower, joined by Kadri East Traffic police Inspector Gopalkrishna Bhat, who also greeted the later night revelers. And as per PI Bhat, among all these NYE nights in the past, this year was the best where motorists behaved well, keeping themselves sober, and partying under the limits.

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