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With the Theme ‘Srishti-2018’-the Annual Day celebrated at Heera International School

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With the Theme ‘Srishti-2018’-the Annual Day celebrated at Heera International School

With the Theme ‘Srishti-2018’-the Annual Day celebrated at Heera International School, Shakthinagar, Mangaluru

Mangaluru: “Srishti 2018”-the Annual School Day of Heera International School-Shakthinagar, Mangaluru was vibrant and buoyant as it brought to life the blended learning experiences of the school kids on the stage to their teachers and parents with S R Lokesh-Block Education Officer, Mangaluru as the Chief Guest and guest of honour- Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ – Rector, St Aloysius Institutions-Mangaluru, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Dr K Bhasker Shetty -President, Nandavan Education Trust which runs Heera International School; Dr A Roshan Shetty- Trustee and Correspondent; Ms Janet Thomas- Administrator; Ms Shailaja Prabhu-Principal, and Ms Sunitha D’souza- Vice Principal of the day.

Heera International School believes in traditions, and believes in the idea of things being passed between generation and the slow transmission of cultural values. Heera International School has always endeavoured to impart virtues to children, which is a very important and indispensable parameter in their holistic development. During this Annual Day it was time to unfold the horizons and rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has bestowed with. HIS excellence in every field on every occasion, in every walk of their life, is being exemplified for others.

The children through their prayer dance filled the minds of the audience with heavenly light and their lively body coordination to the music welcomed the gathering with their dance. The children were simply the star attractions of the evening where they unleashed their hidden talents and enthralled the audience who were predominately parents and grandparents of the school children, along with the teachers and staff of Heera International School. The programme was inaugurated by lighting of the traditional lamp by the chief guest and other dignitaries- This makes lit an unseen light in the lives of others, for we are created by the creator to create light and radiate the world with the glow of joy.

The assimilation of fine ideas, talents, traits towards character building, a man making and personality development is what education offers. It is not only a few sided but an all-round development. This is what Heera International school endeavours to achieve-The presentation of the annual report gave a glimpse of the flash back of what the children did inside and outdoor during the year 2017-18. Champions are made when potentials are converted into performance. Work hard in silence; Let success be your noise. Teacher Ms Akshatha read out the names of the prize winners. Students were honoured for their achievements in academics, sports and co-curricular activities by the chief guest and guests of honour. The three dignitaries addressing the audience praised the school run by Nandavan Education Trust for their service, dedication, commitment and care towards the children in providing them the best education and manners. The school management and teachers who nurture the students received high compliments from the community for their service and love towards the children hailing from different backgrounds, near and far.

The Chief Guest, Lokesh S R said, “As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”-therefore Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. And in a knowledge economy, education is the new currency by which nations maintain economic competitiveness and global prosperity. Education is an investment, and one of the most critical investments we can make. Allow your children to learn and grown in their own phase, don’t pressurize or put stress on them.”

“It’s nice to note that a large number of parents have come here to witness their children’s talents and achievements. Every parents dream is to see that their child reaches greater heights and becomes a real good asset to the nation. But sadly these days the present generation is hooked on to smartphones and digital gadgets which is ruining their lives totally. Parents should keep an eye on their children and restrict the use of mobiles to a certain limit. Parents should make their children read more than browse through Internet. Books are mightier than any learning sources. Parents need to teach their children characters, and need to mould them when they are still young” added Lokesh

Guest of honor, Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ addressing the audience said, ” I compliment the school management for their motto “Dare to Dream, Learn to Excell”-this speaks volumes of the initiative and drive of the five doctors in this Shetty family who dared to dream and start this institution. Happy to see lots of enthusiastic and happy children here-Children are our pride, joy and the hope of our future. It is because of them that the world goes round. Each child is a gift to us and a gift to the world, and we should be proud of it. Children should possess four challenges- to be original; to be pre-developed; to show love for others; and to be creative”.

“To the children, to see the love with which their teachers do their best for them and today teachers need to be supported for their selfless service to the little ones, especially by the parents.” Knowledge is not so important, but wisdom is. Let me Quote Martin Luther King, where he had said “We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate. The broad education will, therefore, transmit to one not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the accumulated experience of social living. Technology is not the only thing in life. Children should use technology very wisely, and not overuse it or abuse it. You are the future of this nation, and I wish you all a bright future when you grow up” added Fr Vaz SJ.

Dr Bhasker Shetty also speaking said, ” We didn’t started this school for commercial purposes- My late Wife was fond of children so we decided to start this school in her memory. We have employed the best teachers who can give the best education to the children, and we plan to employ more teachers in the coming days. We also have the best facilities here, and children should avail all the opportunities that we offer. Apart from being good in academics, children should also take part in co-curricular activities, and at our school the mainstream learning goes hand in hand with social, philosophical and traditional learning, exploring holistic educational avenues for schooling. Based on the concept of integrated learning we focus on integrating indigenous knowledge systems, ecological sensitivity and social connectivity through many innovations. Our school’s educational offerings are enriched by a wide range of sporting and co-curricular activities, as well as community service initiatives, that seamlessly complement our academic programmes. This facilitates children’s learning on all levels – intellectual, physical, social and emotional”.

“A school should instill in a child a lifetime love for learning and knowledge, and provide the foundation for all-round development and excellence. These aims inspire all of us at Heera International School in everything we do. At HIS, our focus is on creating an atmosphere of learning that children enjoy and one that encourages them to discover and express their talents to the fullest. We are driven by the belief that every child is important and the children should be at the heart of every educational endeavour. This makes us direct all our efforts to inspire and enable each child to believe in and practice our motto, ‘Dare to Dream…Learn to Excel’ added Dr Bhasker Shetty.

Following the formal function it was all cultural extravaganza put up by the talented children. Unleashing their hidden talents during the the Annual School Day proved that they too have talents and can entertain the crowd. The show was marvellous and glittering-and was a non-stop extravaganza of children performances which lasted for an hour or so, comprising of dances like Deep Deep dance; Birds dance; Nature Fusion dance; Tribal dance; Umbrella Dance; Flower dance; Butterfly dance; Awara Bhavre; a skit; Stars dance, Five elements and Light dance. Truly as they say that Dance by definition is the rhythmic movement to music, using prescribed and improvised steps and gestures, but its actual meaning transcends this definition into a spiritual activity in a physical form. So it was at this Annual Day, where a bunch of dances were performed by the students.

Talk about Annual School Day-this one named “Srishti” which means “The Best Creation of God” was much more than that- it was a Showbiz, a Extravaganza, a Entertainment, a Mega Nite- all full of music, dance and act- and the students enthralled the audience with their hidden talents which was spectacular and mesmerizing. These students went beyond their capacity and to the maximum in entertaining and mesmerizing the audience. The children gave their best performances to please the management, teachers, staff and especially their parents who applauded them throughout the programme.

The welcome address was delivered by Vice Principal Mrs.Sunitha D’Souza. It is not joy that makes us grateful; It is gratitude that makes us joyful. It was time to wave goodbye a thousand times to the cheerful and wonder-struck audience with a sign of pride and gratitude. School administrator Mrs.Janet proposed the vote of thanks. Teacher Ms Suchithra Vijay compered the formal part of the programme very professionally. Everyone enjoyed the programme, including the parents who went home with happy faces feeling proud of their children talents. Long live the talented kids of Heera International School-Shakthinagar-Mangaluru!


Srishti means the best creation of god. Nature includes the natural and physical world including animals, birds, landscapes and other features and creations that exist on earth. When we observe and feel the beauty of nature it has such a tranquil and soothing effect on our mind, body and soul. It has a lasting effect on our senses and gives an amazing feeling of refreshment and delight. When we think of the beauty of nature we immediately think of the scenic and visual beauty of nature, like the soaring mountains, tranquil rivers, greenery’s of trees, colors of rainbow, butterflies and birds, and the blossoming flowers.

Everything about nature gives us the feeling of pleasure.Nature is beautiful not because it meets our several needs but because of the way all these natural forms render the feeling of bliss and help us connect with our true selves. The experience of this natural beauty diverse and intense is the heart of nature. Every part of nature is beautiful and unique in itself. Every single moment God is painting the new stroke of beauty in nature. Nature’s beauty is revealed everywhere around us all the time. Morning dew on the velvet green grass, the flowers falling from the tree in the backyard, the sparrow building its nest on the tree, butterflies here and there – everything is nature’s beauty. Nature is alive, expressive and fruitful.

Nature is an art performing and evolving all the time so beautifully. The connection with nature has a calming effect that heals us. The freshness and purity of nature rejuvenates us. When we experience solitude in nature we feel real peace and tranquility of nature. One needs to lose deep in to the nature to feel the heart of nature. The beauty and richness of nature is beyond words and beyond imagination. With the theme of Nature and with scintillating performance of the school with much pride and honour presented to the audiene in the Annual day.


Heera International School (HIS) is marching towards an extra mile with a smile in the momentous task of moulding minds. This temple of real knowledge is a name with a mission to nurture each child to make a compassionate and a discerning individual through holistic quality education. Heera International school focuses on developing the minds of the future citizens from the disciplinary mind to the synthesizing mind to the creative mind to the respectful mind, then to the ethical mind and help them to become proactive contributors to a healthy society.

HIS recognize the imperative of imparting an educational experience that is world class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizenship. They are a school with Indian mind, Indian heart and Indian soul, a school that celebrates the culture of excellence and is an embodiment of values. They believe that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is central to the education of children, in preparing them to face the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and strength of character.

HIS provides a learning environment that encourages children to bring out the best in themselves and which supports their all-round development, through discovering the joy of learning, awakening and illuminating their intellect in multi dimensional ways, and instilling abiding values in themselves.

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