With Theme ‘Rise As One’ St Aloysius PUC to Host ‘Pre-Unique 2018 ‘ Talents Fest

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With Theme ‘Rise As One’ St Aloysius PUC to Host ‘Pre-Unique 2018 ‘ Talents Fest 

Mangaluru: St Aloysius Pre University College-Mangaluru has given ample opportunities to the students to take part in various co-curricular activities, sports, also in academics. The Institution has also given a chance to the students of other colleges to participate in various contests, thereby unleash their hidden talents and excel. And now once again by hosting “PRE-UNIQUE 2018” which is an extension of this tradition as the quest for talent spreading its wings and beckoning more talents from other Colleges and High schools. PRE UNIQUE 2018 will challenge the students with the theme “Rise As One”, during the 2-day mega fest which will start on 9 Nov. and ends on 10 November. This annual cultural and intellectual fest comprises of various competitions for the students to challenge themselves with each other.

Addressing the media persons during a press meet held at Mangaluru Press Club, Fr Melwin Mendonca SJ-Principal of St Aloysius PUC, Mangaluru said, “St Aloysius PU College has always insisted on integral formation and spares no effort to produce balanced persons in the best sense of the term. In keeping with this tradition, the College wishes to help students rise to excellence. PRE-UNIQUE is one such platform that raises the intellectual, sporting and cultural talents of the students to new heights”.

He further said, “This year, with the theme “RISE AS ONE”, Pre-Unique 2018 aims at sowing the seed of Unity in young minds, so that they may go out into the society and spread their branches to Unite every Heart and Mind. Living by example, Pre-Unique 2018, has united sports with culture and is proud to introduce, for the very first time, a Volleyball Tournament as part of its events. Apart from this there are 38 competitions held over a span of 2 days, 09 and 10 November 2018”.

Dean of the College, Dr Ganesh Amin said, “The inauguration of this Mega Event will be held on 09 November 2018 at 8.30am. The inaugural of Pre-Unique 2018 will be presided over by the Director of AIMIT, Mangaluru, Rev. Fr Denzil Lobo SJ. The Guests of Honour will be Devdas Kapikad from the Tulu Film industry and Ms Varsha Rohit a National level Athlete and model. Mithun Rai, President of the Indian Youth Congress and Astikh Avinash Shetty, from the Tulu Film Industry will be the Guests of Honour for the valedictory programme on 10 November 2018 at 3.00 pm, which will be presided over by our Finance Officer, Rev. Fr John Lang Bosco SJ”.

Ms Pramila Patrao, Miss Meural Nancy Furtado and Joseph Prem Saldanha, the three coordinators were also present on the dais during the press meet. The other two coordinators are Ms Aleen Crasta and Miss Anasa

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