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With ‘World Cancer Day’ Theme ‘I Am and I Will’ A J Hospital launches Cancer Screening Camp

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With ‘World Cancer Day’ Theme ‘I Am and I Will’ A J Hospital launches Cancer Screening Camp

With World Cancer Day Theme ‘I Am and I Will’ A J Hospital/A J Cancer Institute-Mangaluru launches Cancer screening Camp from 4- 9 February 2019.

Mangaluru: World Cancer Day is an international day, which is marked on 4th February to increase awareness of cancer, and to encourage its prevention, early detection and treatment. Every year the theme has its own theme. The theme for World Cancer Day 2019 is – ‘I am and I will’. The estimated number of deaths due to cancer in 2018 was 9.5 million, which amounts to a whopping 26,000 deaths a day. This number is expected to increase as environmental stresses increase, air quality worsens, lifestyles and eating habits too!

On account of World Cancer Day A J Hospital has organized a ‘CANCER SCREENING CAMP’ at A J Cancer Institute from Monday, 4 Feb to 9 February 2019- and the launching ceremony was held today (4 Feb) at the AJ Cancer Institute. The programme began with a prayer invoking God’s blessings, followed by welcome address by Dr Chaitra Deshpande- PG Student in Radiology Oncology. The programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by dignitaries for the occasion, namely- Dr Amitha Marla- Director of Medical Administration, AJHRC; Visveshwari-Head of Mangalore unit of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya ; Dr Kamalaksh Shenoy- Professor & HOD of Radiation Oncology; Dr Rachan Shetty- Consultant Medical Oncologist; Dr Kavitha- Associate Professor & Consultant Radiation Oncologist; Dr Vishwanath- Consultant Surgical Oncologist; and Ms Shaila Lobo and Ranjan- representatives from Indian Cancer Society.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Amitha Marla said, “Cancer is a terminal ailment which calls for immediate and specialized aggressive treatments. Cancer treatment spans different modes like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy etc., depending on the site and nature of the disease. A. J. Hospital and Research Centre has established a state-of-the-art, comprehensive cancer unit with all the specialties such as: Medical oncology, Radiation oncology, Surgical oncology , Nuclear medicine & PET CT. A. J. Cancer Institute, our Oncology unit, is housed in a separate independent block on the hospital campus in order to meet the special needs of cancer patients. It provides compassionate care to patients with our team of oncologists working together to develop individualized treatment plans for each patient. Cancer if detected earlier, can be cured, therefore Cancer Screening is very important if you see any symptoms. This camp will help you out in this regard”.

Dr Kamalaksh Shenoy also speaking said, “Cancer is no longer a death sentence. If detected early, it is curable. Successful treatment has allowed cancer patients to carry on longer and more productive lives. Today about 50% (approx.) of all cancer patients can be cured. That is why screening for cancer is so vital in combating this disease. What is screening for cancer? It involves a few simple tests and procedures done to detect common cancers at a very early stage before it spreads thus improving the chance of cure. They are painless and inexpensive with absolutely no side effects. No single blood test or urine test can diagnose any cancer”.

“Screening is not done in a lab. It’s done by a Doctor who will evaluate your chances of developing disease and based on your risk required tests are prescribed, one for each system that is one for breast cancer, one for colon and stomach cancer, one for cervical cancer, one for Prostate cancer and so on. A J Hospital has a state of the art, Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre with all the latest specialties including PET-CT, which is first of its kind in the entire district of Dakshina Kannada. The Oncology team at A J Hospital provides expert, comprehensive and compassionate care to patients with cancer. Our primary goal is to deliver treatment safely and effectively in ways that enhance and benefit the overall experience for our patients. We at A. J. Cancer Centre know what a large role screening plays in saving lives. We have an entire department dedicated exclusively to cancer screening. Remember, early detection saves lives! “added Dr Shenoy.

Brahma Kumari Visveshwari in her inspiring speech quoting “Forgive and Forget” said, “Doesn’t it seem that everyone knows someone who has either died of cancer or is currently suffering from this disease? So how can we all cope with the endless suffering, loss and bereavement? Finding out you’ve got cancer is hard enough but living with cancer is a real struggle along with all the other issues we face in the world today. We need to keep the cancer patient content, worry free and comfortable. I think it’s really important to tell a cancer patient how much you love and appreciate them and create a peaceful and loving environment for them so that they will feel happy which will give them strength to face what the body is going through. Doing this will also help you feel better about the situation.

” It’s strange but true, that only those who smoke, drink, eat spicy and salty food get cancer, but there are many others who don’t have any habits get cancer too. Eating fresh food which is cooked with love and care is also vital. The vibrations from the food will reach the soul promoting well-being, creating peace of mind and making them feel cared for. We need to encourage cancer patients to try meditation after all most illnesses are stress related and being at peace will help them to enjoy a better quality of life and reduces our experiences of pain. Another good tool for cancer patients is to use visualization where one imagines the self-coping and feeling safe and well which can help to overcome negative thoughts about the illness. So let’s all make sure we take care of our precious cancer patients because it’s so rewarding” added Visveshwari.

A booklet “Spandana” of A J Cancer Institute was released on the occasion by Dr Amitha Marla along with other dignitaries. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Sathya Rao-Medical Assistant, and the programme was compered by Dr Chaitra Deshpande. The formal programme was followed by Flash Mob, an act related to Cancer, performed by students of B Sc Radiotherapy of A J Institute of Allied Sciences.

In conclusion, in my perspective on the WCD theme “I Am and I Will”, Whoever you are, you have the power to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and for the world. It’s time to make a personal commitment. ‘I Am and I Will’ is an empowering call-to-action urging for personal commitment and represents the power of individual action taken now to impact the future. World Cancer Day is a campaign built to resonate, inspire change and mobilize action long after the day has passed. This campaign will offer a chance to create long-lasting impact by increasing public-facing exposure and engagement, more opportunities to build global awareness and impact-driven action.

If you are a cancer patient remain strong and don’t worry, everything will be okay. There are doctors who will take very good care of you, and will make sure that you’ll live longer beyond your expectations- and these are the God sent doctors at A J Hospital/A J Cancer Institute at your service. Let me end with thought-provoking words from Indian Cricketer Yuvraj Singh-“Cancer has taught me a lot of things. Maybe it is the best thing that has happened to me. I can’t say right now, but maybe some years down the line, I would realize. When I was taking chemotherapy, there were a lot of elderly patients, and that would inspire me. I thought, ‘If they can be cured, why can’t I be?’ The battle against cancer has made me strong. It’s like winning a war! When I was diagnosed, I was told by doctors my kidney, liver and other organs could fail. It was tough. I didn’t know if I could save my life. But I was positive, and because of that, the doctor told me that I would be a man who would never have cancer”.

The “CANCER SCREENING CAMP” at A J Cancer Institute from 4/2/2019 to 9/2/2019 is for people with these symptoms, who will benefit from the camp: Lump in the breast or mass in the abdomen; Post-menopausal bleeding and white discharge; Recurrent cough, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing; Ulcer/growth – in cheek/tongue or swelling in the neck; Indigestion, altered bowel habits, loss of appetite and rapid loss of weight; Bleeding / mass per rectum; and Severe anemia, recurrent infection, bone pain, bleeding tendencies. Camp participants will be offered these benefits: Registration, Consultation, Head & Neck and Oral examination FREE; PAP smear FREE; OP investigations at 25% discount; Further treatment at a Concessional rate.

For further queries/registrations please contact 0824 6613635 or email: ajccentre@gmail.com (between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm).

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