Women are a vulnerable category both physically and mentally. Due to the physical, biological and hormonal changes they go through in their life time from Menarche to Menopause.
I can categorise these health isuues into 2 groups:
a. Obesity & related problems
b. Hypertension
c. Diabetes
d. Malignancy
e. Cardiac disorders
a. Sexual Disorder
b. Psychosomatic problems ? like illness due to depression, fear, anxiety
c. Venous Disorders ? varicosity, deep vein thrombosis
d. Increased incidence of stroke
e. Increased risk of Alzheimer?s Disease
f. Osteoporosis
g. Menopause & related symptoms
h. Increased incidence of Cancer of Breast, Uterus & Colon
It is not possible to consider all the above in one go so here I prefer to highlight on the general consideration of woman:
Why is she is so vulnerable?
What are the preventive measures one can take to pass 40?s gracefully and how to face menopause?
Women and man are standing equal in the society in power but woman still goes through changes in her body and physically she is very vulnerable due to:
- Monthly blood loss
- Diet & weight conscious woman not taking sufficient nutrition
- Pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding
- Child rearing
- Work pressure
- Responsibilities at home
We know prevention is better than cure. It is good to have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject, rather what is expected as the age advances so that we take measures to avoid the worst situations.
Some of the preventive measures are:
a) Educational programmes for growing teenage girls. Knowledge should be provided regarding the diet both quality and quantity, about the menstrual cycles and variation, fertility, motherhood, menopause and related problems of osteoporosis.
There is a definite relationship between exercise, diet and female hormone profile.
For e.g.: If a teenage girl suffers from Anorexia Nervosa she is likely to face problems related to her monthly cycles, fertility, premature menopause and osteoporosis.
b) Exercise: A regular exercise programme is essential for all age groups. As the child grows the appropriate circulation of blood helps in release of the growth hormone thus helping in the growth. Similarly as the girls are growing they must have a regular exercise programme of 30-45 minutes per day if not at least on alternate days.
Various forms of exercises are available and these can be either outdoor or indoor activity. Exercises like brisk walks, jogging, skipping, dancing, stretch exercises, and aerobics are very helpful. Apart from this practice of yogic postures have its own benefits on mind and body. Exercises also helps in increased blood flow to each and every organ including the skin, thereby helping the proper functioning of the body, toning up the muscles and strong bones.
c) Good Balanced Diet: The habit of taking in a good diet should be cultivated from home. If the heart of the family, the mother is well aware of the subject she can train the children to eat a good diet. Knowledge can be acquired through websites, books, and magazines. But this should be practiced in our day to day life.
For e.g.: I have come across many girls between the ages 15-20 years with delayed menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, obesity etc. When their life style and diet is discussed I have found that there is absolutely no exercise in their daily routine and they consume a lot of junk food.
d) As the menopause is approaching rather in the pre-menopausal age, if we learn yoga and practice it regularly it can prepare the mind and body for a better living.
e) Use of supplements like capsules with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids is also essential for maintaining the physical health. What type of vitamins and how much to consume will be prescribed by the doctor depending on the individual and her health state.
f) Preventive measures for malignancy: Breast, uterus, cervix, ovaries and colon are the seat of malignancy commonly found in women. But with the advanced medical technology it can be detected early and treated. Once a woman crosses she has to screen herself regularly to detect any malignancy.
Screening methods:
1) Annual health check up after 35
2) Monthly, post menstrual examination of breast
3) Annual ultra sound examination of breast
4) Annual ultra sound examination of abdomen
5) Laboratory investigations
6) Pap Smear Test:
– If the first smear test at 35 years is normal and the woman has no symptoms it can be repeated after 3 years.
– If the smear is abnormal it has to be followed as per the doctor?s advice
– After 40 years PAP SMEAR should be repeated every 2 years.
– After 50 years it is advisable to do the smear yearly until repeat 3 smears are normal or cervix is atrophic, then we can stop the procedure.
7) Mammograms for Breast: This should not be performed unless recommended by the physician. It is used as a screening method for women above the age of 40 and unless recommended by the doctor it can be repeated once in 5 years until 50 years and then once in 3 years or as per the case. It is very important to note that excessive mammogram radiation is also hazardous to the body.
How To Cancer Proof Our Body:
Cancer has many predisposing factors. We can prevent it by having better dietary habits; avoid the factors which can predispose us for cancer. We know it has a genetic predisposition too.
We can reduce the incidences by:
1.) Positive lifestyle and the right mental attitude
2.) Better dietary habits
-Reduce the fat intake in the diet of growing children as obesity has tendency towards
breast cancer.
-Adopting soy diets in the younger age group can provide sufficient antioxidants
-Stop smoking
-Go easy on alcohol
-Trim down, as obesity is linked with cancer colon and gall bladder
-Reduce the consumption of sugar, as high sugar levels can increase the chance of
colon cancer.
-Eat more fibers
– Add to your diet vegetables and fruits like Broccoli, Papaya, Avocado, Garlic, Kale,
Sweet Potato, Grapefruit and Tofu
How Do We Prevent Pre Menopausal and Menopausal symptoms?
Menopause is a phase expected by all women between the ages 45- 55. The average age is 45 years. The symptoms could be like headaches, hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, depression, anxiety, fatigue, memory loss, increased mental tension, hair loss etc.
In order to be always prepared for menopause a better living, a healthy life style is essential.
Few of the do?s are:
– Get active – exercise at least 3 times a week to tone up your muscles and increase the blood circulation
– Eat less fat ? in order to avoid obesity and related problems
– Regularly consume calcium supplements up to 1 gram per day.
– Regular consumption of Vitamins and essential elements up to 400 IU helps to detoxify
the body. It is also known to help the arteries from clogging.
All we women need to remember is that Menopause is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. Menopause does not mean a pause to a happy life, as you may spend as much as half of your life after menopause.
Author: Dr.Veronica Saldanha- M.D.