World Water Day Programme observed at Sahyadri College
Mangaluru : Department of Civil Engineering Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore in association with District Legal Services Authority, Karnataka State pollution Control Board observed World Water Day on 25.03.2016 at Sahyadri Campus. The programme was inaugurated at Nethravathi Auditorium by Sri. Mallanagouda, Senior Civil Judge & Member Secretary, District Legal Service Authority, D.K, Mangaluru. Prof M.S. Mohan Kumar, Department of Civil Engg., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore was the chief guest of the inaugural ceremony.

Sri. Mallanagouda in his address stressed on the importance of conserving water to the future generation. He stressed on meticulous usage of water on a day to day basis which is vital for the overall development of the society.
Prof. M.S. Mohan Kumar, in his key note address stressed on the various treatment processes which is adopted IISC, Bangalore o treat the sewage water and reuse it for miscellaneous purposes. Sri Rajshekar Puranik, Environmental Officer, KSPCB, Mangaluru, D.K briefed about the significance of World Water Day to the gathering. Prof Purushothama C T, HOD (UG), welcomed the gathering. Dr U.M.Bhushi, Principal, SCEM presided over the function.
Dr S Manjappa, Director – Research and Consultancy, SCEM, Mr R. Srinivas, Senior Manager (Environment), MRPL, Mr Rashid, Member of Food Scientists Association, Mangalore were present for the inaugural ceremony. Mr. Jayaprakash, Engineer, KSPCB rendered the vote of thanks.
The formal function was followed by technical sessions to Civil Engineering students. Prof. M.S. Mohan Kumar, Department of Civil Engg, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore delivered a theme speech. Dr S Manjappa, Director – Research and Consultancy, SCEM, delivered a technical talk on “Water for Food Energy and Health” The third session was followed by “Industrial Waste Water Treatment & its Reuse” The students interacted with the resource persons during the respective sessions.