Yenepoya Deemed to be University’s ACTS Yen Simulation Center Achieves Prestigious ASPiH Accreditation

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Yenepoya Deemed to be University’s ACTS Yen Simulation Center Achieves Prestigious ASPiH Accreditation

Mangalore: Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) proudly announces that its Advanced Comprehensive Clinical Training & Simulation Center (ACTS Yen) has received accreditation from the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH), a distinguished professional body in the United Kingdom dedicated to excellence in simulation-based healthcare education. This remarkable achievement positions ACTS Yen as the first simulation center in India to earn this esteemed accreditation, which remains valid for three years.

The ASPiH accreditation signifies that ACTS Yen meets rigorous quality standards and best practices in the design, delivery, and evaluation of simulation-based training. It underscores the center’s unwavering commitment to high standards of patient safety, learner engagement, and teaching effectiveness in healthcare education.

The accreditation process involved a thorough review of ACTS Yen’s simulation practices, encompassing faculty expertise, resource allocation, mechanisms for learner feedback, and the alignment of training programs with educational goals and healthcare needs. ASPiH’s accreditation not only recognizes excellence but also offers numerous benefits for individuals and organizations engaged in simulation-based education.

Founded in 2016, the Advanced Comprehensive Clinical Training & Simulation Center is a state-of-the-art facility, equipped with the latest simulation technology, making it the largest such center in the country. ACTS Yen aligns with Yenepoya University’s vision of promoting excellence in clinical care and competency-based health professions education, emphasizing ethical training practices that enhance patient care, safety, and satisfaction.

The integration of simulation into both graduate and postgraduate curricula at Yenepoya University facilitates ethical training while minimizing harm to patients. The center emphasizes multidisciplinary team training for emergency situations, fostering improved communication and behavioral skills among healthcare professionals, and ensuring a more realistic training environment.

With a focus on skills training that adds value, ACTS Yen serves not only students and faculty of Yenepoya University but also aims to provide essential training, such as Basic Life Support, to the wider community. Since its inception, the center has conducted numerous orientation and training programs to raise awareness of its capabilities and to equip faculty members for optimal utilization of its resources.

As the healthcare landscape evolves, simulation-based learning at ACTS Yen stands as a critical element in mitigating errors and maintaining safety in medical practice, where adherence to standard protocols is paramount. The center’s innovative approach facilitates reproducible, on-demand access to simulated patient scenarios, enhancing the training landscape for inter-professional teams.

This accreditation from ASPiH marks a significant milestone in Yenepoya University’s commitment to advancing the quality of healthcare education in India, setting a benchmark for excellence in simulation-based training for future healthcare professionals.

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