Yes, We Can-Yes, He did it Again! Feel Proud of My President, Barack Obama

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“That’s when America soars, when we look out for one another, when we take care of each other. That’s why we do what we do. That’s the whole point of public service. We chose to write a new chapter where, in a new economy, Americans are free to change their jobs or start a business, chase a new idea, raise a family free from fear, secure in the knowledge that portable, affordable health care is there for us and always will be and that if we get sick, we’re not going to lose our home, that if we get sick, that we’re going to be able to still look after our families. “The Affordable Care Act” is here to stay. Now let’s get back to work”- During speech when US President Barack Obama heralded the Supreme Court victory for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Mangaluru: Immigrating from Mangaluru to the United States of America in 1990, and five years later becoming a U.S. citizen, I had the privilege of voting for two American Presidents of my choice- Bill Clinton and George Bush. Although both of them tried to be good Presidents of this nation, but I feel sorry to say that they both failed miserably. Under Clinton’s presidency America witnessed a shameful sex scandal, and under Bush’s tenure America landed into financial crisis. And the only choice left for me and many U.S. citizens was to look forward to select a better President. And yes, we did!. Yes we did the right thing by choosing Barack Obama as 44th U.S. President who did follow through on his commitment to restore America’s greatness.


Obama became the First Black President in the history of America. During his first presidential election campaign, Obama’s slogan was “Yes, We Can”-meaning to say he wanted to bring a change in America, and he did change America through some of his unique plans and ideas. I was simply overjoyed and overwhelmed that finally a change had come to America, since I was looking forward for a better America under the leadership of Barack Obama. Having succeeded in his ventures during his first president tenure, that Americans, including me, voted him back as the US president for the second term. The first time I voted for Obama was for his determination and courage to change America, and when I decided to vote him again online from here (Mangaluru), it was mainly for his fight to introduce “The Affordable Care Act’ (Obamacare)- and I am so happy that he won the “Obamacare” case i the Supreme Court- a healthcare plan that will benefit millions of Americans who can’t afford paying high health insurance premiums, and also those who don’t have health insurance.
For many immigrants and their descendants, Barack Obama’s first election finally redeemed the Statue of Liberty’s promise of freedom and opportunity for all. When Obama was pronounced the winner, it was an emotional triumph for African- Americans. But the moment also was electrifying for immigrants from other lands–from the Middle East to Latin America to the islands of the Pacific. For many, Obama’s election felt like their nation was finally living up to its ideals. From Chicago to Mumbai, from New York to New Delhi, from Rome to Baghdad to Islamabad to the beaches of Mexico, revelers said Obama’s election made them feel more connected to America, and that America, after years of strained relations, seemed suddenly more connected to the world.

The world anticipating an end to President George W. Bush’s 8-year presidency embraced Obama’s victory with a hope that the era of U.S. unilateralism had drawn to a close, and a sense that the globe was on the cusp of historic, momentous change. Across the world, many also hoped Obama would find solutions to the global financial crisis. Obama’s steady temperament, and a campaign largely free of the infighting that plagued those of his more experienced rivals, allayed much of the concern. In scores of debates, interviews and speeches, voters got a long, hard look at him and judged him right for the times. They decided and elected him as their beloved president- not once but twice!


The man said, “Yes we can.” – and Yes, he did! Change has already invaded America – His arrival at the White House in 2008 finally integrated that last bastion of white privilege. Obama’s victory also gave whites an opportunity to renew their covenant with the part of the Declaration of Independence that proclaims “all men are created equal.” Understandably, none of this could have happened without white support. No, Obama is not the Black Messiah some have been looking for. He is a leader who reminded Americans that they are America: The land of the brave. The home of the free.

It had been a long, hard struggle for equality in the United States until 2008. While bigotry and ignorance may still exist, with the election of the United States’ first black president in the year 2008, America has now, more than ever before, perhaps faster than anyone thought, had fulfilled its promise as the Land of Opportunity — she shines as a beacon of limitless potential for all her citizens and sends a powerful message to the rest of the world.I feel proud of Barack Obama– the junior senator from my state of Illinois (when I resided in Chicago suburbs) who has made a career of fighting for a better life for all Americans. Magnetically popular in this country and indeed around the world, Obama’s rise to prominence is a quintessential story of the American Dream. He is a man who has emerged as an unlikely beacon of hope for all Americans during crucial turning point in its history.

President Obama has faced a series of existential threats to his health care law, from the original votes, to the elections, to the two Supreme Court cases. And finally, winning the Obamacare case in the Supreme Court was a triumph for the president. His signature domestic achievement has survived yet another assault and almost certainly one of the last ones. I have been glued to the sofa watching the full coverage about ‘Obamacare” breaking news on CNN television channel-“The Affordable Care Act is here to stay,” said the president. It is “woven into the fabric of America.” The president has solidified a portion of his legislative legacy, and in his remarks, he clearly had history on his mind. “Someday our grand kids will ask us if there was really a time when America discriminated against people who get sick.”


This was not just a victory for his vision for how health care should be delivered. The court also affirmed a key part of his economic legacy. The president and his staff have long pointed out that in a period when household income has plateaued and wages stagnated, what voters most often say is that they are working harder and falling behind. When you ask them what that means to them in practical terms, they often talk about the cost of health care and the fear that their health care might disappear if they were to lose their job. Middle-class economic security, in other words, isn’t just tied to having a job and getting good pay. That security is tied to whether you will lose coverage or be bankrupted by the cost of coverage if you get sick.

Obama made that economic link explicit in the Rose Garden on Thursday: “We chose to write a new chapter where, in a new economy, Americans are free to change their jobs or start a business, chase a new idea, raise a family free from fear, secure in the knowledge that portable, affordable health care is there for us and always will be and that if we get sick, we’re not going to lose our home, that if we get sick, that we’re going to be able to still look after our families.” Last week Obama seemed exhausted by the tragedy in Charleston, where his close friend Pastor Clementa Pinckney and eight others were shot by a young white supremacist, and by a gun debate he couldn’t budge. This week he has enjoyed a battered, tattered success in a battle that has been going on for nearly a decade. I think “Obamacare” will truly benefit millions of Americans who were looking forward for a affordable health care plan.

As a proud US Citizen, and also as proud holder of “Overseas Citizen Indian” (OCI) status here in India, I’d like to offer a few prayers to keep Obama strong as he leads the America for the last time until 2016 end –

“May he walk in love. May he know the joy of seeing bridges built, wounds healed and war ended. May he have the peace that surpasses all understanding. May he be blessed with long suffering when faced with hate, bigotry, intolerance, violence, corruption, and the seemingly immovable. May he have the goodness to turn the other cheek, and the wisdom to act. May he act with kindness and be treated kindly in return. May he have the faithfulness to keep his promise — to the nation, to his family, to himself, to his Creator. May he continue to have a gentleness of spirit that chooses grace over pride”. Long live the president, and May God bless Barack Obama- the young and dynamic 44th president of United States of America.

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9 years ago

Our ‘American Alfie” has given us a ringside view of American Presidents. Alfie always provides us with brilliant inputs. Now he has taken us to the US of A. I admire the range of Dear Alfie’s articles & Knowledge. Cheers ‘Mr.President ‘ Alfie & Obama.

9 years ago

A nice article by a Indian American paying great respect to his president and appreciating what the president has done for America. I think Alfy has enjoyed all the good things that America had to offer to the immigrants who go to US to make their dreams come true.

Although I am not a US citizen but I do believe what the author has aptly put in his own words in this article. Well written-compliments.