‘YOUNG’ Revelers of ‘SPOORTHI’ Charitable Trust Unleash their Talents in ‘SPOORTHI’ on Annual Day

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‘YOUNG’ Revelers of ‘SPOORTHI’ Charitable Trust Unleash their Talents in ‘SPOORTHI’ on Annual Day

‘YOUNG’ Revelers of ‘SPOORTHI’ Charitable Trust Unleash their Talents in ‘SPOORTHI’ ( the state of being strong and active; energy ) on 8th Annual Day Celebration held at Vathsalya Dhama-Giridhar Rao Sanjeevi Bai Vridhashram-Kodialbail, Mangaluru

Mangaluru: “None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. Live your life and forget your age ” had said Henry David Thoreau; and Pearl S Buck had said “Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” So for that matter, the so-called “Elders”, who are in their 60 plus up to 80 plus, or in other terms you can call them “Youngsters”, the members of Spoorthi Charitable Trust (SCT), unleashed their hidden talents in forms of dance, music and skits, during the 8th Annual Day of the Trust held at ‘Vathsalya Dhama-Giridhar Rao Sanjeevi Bai Vridhashram’-Kodialbail, Mangaluru

Quoting Dorothea Kent’s witty words” A man ninety years old was asked to what he attributed his longevity. I reckon, he said, with a twinkle in his eye, it is because most nights I went to bed and slept when I should have sat up and worried.” – and starting this report on the lighter side of the vein, I think most of the elderly folks that I saw at SCT’s Annual Day function might have done the same thing, like this 90 year old man. The enthusiasm and joy seen among the seniors present at this event was enormous, with everyone bubbling with excitement and fun. The audience predominately of young and old, especially elderly women all dressed to thrill, in their best ” Zari” Sarees and extreme make-up, brought some glittering look to the venue.

So I decided to call the performances of SCT and other NGO members, of KMC Navachaitanya (Attavar and Bejai), Age (Action Group for Elderly) -Mangaluru, full of “SPOORTHI” meaning “the state of being strong and active; energy” and with full of liveliness, life, energy, animation, spirit, high-spiritedness, vivacity, exuberance, buoyancy, bounce, vibrancy, verve, vim, pep, brio, zest, zestfulness, sparkle, spark, effervescence, dynamism, passion, fire, vigour, forcefulness, ardour, zeal, relish, gusto, push, drive, punch, elan etc. OMG and Wow, these vintage revelers simply rocked the stage!

Spoorthi Charitable Trust established in the year 2010, is a trust for prevention of ageing and promotion of active ageing. With India currently having over 10 crore Senior citizens of which 37 lakhs suffer from dementia, 4 crores suffer from poor vision, One in 3 has high blood pressure, 1 in 3 has arthritis, 1 in 5 has diabetes.and 1 in 5 has decreased hearing Cancer is 10 times more common in older people .One in 10 falls and sustains a fracture,1 in 4 has depression,1 in 3 has bowel disorder, 1 in 5 has urinary incontinence. To prevent these diseases and disabilities, exercise is the only way you can escape ageing and age related disorders, and Spoorthi Charitable Trust caters to the needs of the elderly people by providing them inspiration, care, love, arrange exercise classes, regular health check-ups and so on.

Spoorthi Charitable Trust having its centre at Kodialguthu in City, where members have been exercising for the past 8 years, also distributes drugs to senior citizens at concessional rate and distributes free samples for organized health camps. Health check camps, memory tests, BP checks, free sugar tests, exercise demonstration are held often. Their Exercise centre will teach simple flexibility exercises for all the joints in the body, exercises to build muscles and strengthen them, and also balance exercises. Health camps will include free sugar testing, Memory testing, Blood Pressure check up, general health check, eye check and orthopedic check. Poor people can avail this service free of cost. In this regard, Spoorthi Charitable Trust has been a helpful organization in catering to the health and ageing needs of the elderly people.

The Annual Day celebrations began with a prayer song invoking God’s blessings, followed by Dr Prabha Adhikari-Secretary of the Trust welcoming the gathering, and also briefing about the existence of SCT. Ms Kumuda M A Rao Founder and Trustee and Dr Raghuveer Adhikari- Trustee gave away the prizes for winners in various competitions held by the Trust. The function was inaugurated by chief guest-U.Rama Rao, founder and secretary of Radio Listener`s Association, and Secretary of Productivity council, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Janardhan Eddya- Former Deputy Director at ISRO ; Usha Hebbar Treasurer of the Trust; Dr Prabha Adhikari, and Dr C V Raghuveer, both Trustees; and Sathya Mohan Hebbar- Trustee.

Addressing the audience in his witty speech, chief guest, U Rama Rao said, ” I always begin my speech by saying ‘Jai Jawan. Jai Kisan’, because these two are our nation’s source- Jawan protects us and Kisan (farmer) gives us food. It’s nice to see that everyone here is happy and quite healthy. Let’s not fear about death, instead live happily and enjoy life to the fullest when we are still alive and ageing. What I am today, I owe my success to my parents, teachers and also to the chairman of Karnataka Bank Mr Adiga, who employed me. We need to keep laughing and clapping, for a better and healthy life. Keep yourself engaged in activities, like I have done by involving in Lions Club, Rotary and other organizations”.

“Also that when you applaud and encourage, it feels great and gives me more “Spoorthi”? In life we should adapt certain principles, eat healthy food, follow good lifestyles, exercise, do yoga if you can, proper sleep, and most importantly, follow Time Management, like I always do. Keep your life a blitz (happy). Have someone as your role model, like mine were Peajawar Swamiji and Dharmastala Veerendra Heggade. I like to say jokes and make people happy, which also makes me happy. Don’t waste time speaking all the time on mobile phones, find something useful to keep you bus- and make a Good Jeevamahotsava” added Rama Rao.

The formal part of the programme was compered by Dr Pracheth R – Trustee; while the cultural part was compered by Ms Ms Sudha Rao-retired head mistress of Besant School, and Ms Thejashri Kulkarni, a well-wisher of the Trust. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Raghuveer C V. The formal programme was followed by a cultural session, where the “young” members of Spoorthi, AGE, and KMC Nava Chaitanya enthralled the audience with their hidden talents, comprising of songs, skit and dances. No doubt, Seniors Rock!

Spoorthi Charitable Trust was founded By Mrs Kumuda Ramachandra Rao, in memory of her Husband late Sri M.A.Ramachandra Rao. Satya Mohan Hebbar is its managing Trustee, Mrs Usha Hebbar is the treasurer. Dr Mohini Bhat, Dr C.V.Raghuveer, Girish Adhikari, and C.V. Suvarna are the other trustees. Spoorthi Trust is a part of PAGE-People`s Association for Geriatric Empowerment. Membership is open to anybody who wants to avail all the above services irrespective of age; and Anybody who wants to contribute to the cause in cash or kind or offer their services.

For more information call: 0824-2495128; 9880991290 About Spoorthi Charitable Trust, Mangaluru 

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